Monday, March 30, 2015

Panda Quest 2015

Our kids were on Spring Break a couple of weeks ago and it quickly became clear that we were not going to survive by just "hanging out" at home all week.  I decided it was time to make Chloe's dreams come true and let her see a real live panda.  Jeff had to work, so I drove the kids through the desert all the way to San Diego, California.  We were all glad I didn't accidentally drive us to Mexico.  We stayed the night in a hotel downtown and set out early the next morning on our Panda Quest.
Dream come true!  The San Diego Zoo has three pandas, but only one was up for visitors that day.  He was super active, so it was hard to get a shot of both Chloe and the panda.  I thought she might burst with happiness.

My favorite part was when she said, "Now I know what sound a panda makes!"  

There weren't many people there, yet, so we watched the panda for a long time.  He was super busy.

Now I don't know what she's going to dream about.

We moved on to other animals both real and fake.


The boys were kind of obsessed with the zoo map.

Zoo dirtbags.

We also got to see koala bears for the first time.  They're so cute!

Miles told me to take a picture of him being a koala bear.

They even had polar bears!  My kids were more interested in the polar bear statues, though.

I told them they could each get one thing under $10.  Chloe had a hard time finding the perfect panda that wasn't too expensive.  Harrison told her she could use his money to get the panda she wanted.  Love feelings.

We were done with the zoo by 2pm.  

There was no way we would survive in the hotel room for the rest of the day, so we walked down to the bay where there was a big park.

We watched the sunset out on the bay after a nice seafood dinner.

There was a maritime museum in the bay that included many different types of ships and submarines.  This photo is straight out of the camera.

This was the trip where I learned that Harrison is pretty much always making noise.  He just learned how to whistle, so . . . that's fun.

The light was pretty amazing.

It was a good day.

6 Wisecracks:

Unknown said...

So what *does* a panda say?

Awesome photos, Melissa.

melissa said...

Thanks, Chelsea. Pandas make a low grumbling sound. Like an upset stomach.

Patti said...

So much fun! I didn't know that Harrison donated his money to Chloe. That is pretty awesome.

Jess said...

Your photos are gorgeous, as usual. And now I am wanting to visit the San Diego Zoo. Hogle Zoo doesn't have pandas and koalas. THAT sounds like a fun trip!

Unknown said...

What fun memories! I love that second to last photo.. And the ones of Chloe and her panda. She is so beautiful. Miss you guys!

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

You are such a great mom! Beautiful pictures! And now Harrison goes on my 'potential husband for my daughters' list.