In chuch on Sunday I heard the term "in the mission field" (referring to every place in the world other than Utah) used five times. Oh, Utah! Just when I thought you and I might have something special here. You with your beautiful sunsets, cheap haircuts, and above-the-rim shakes. The thing is, . . . well . . . I think it would be better if we went back to being just friends. I mean, we both knew that I wasn't interested in anything long-term. I've always been upfront about that. It's not that I don't think you're great. I just feel like we're not meant to be together forever. In time, I hope you see that this is the best thing for both of us. But, hey! We can totally hang out! Maybe I'll see you at a family reunion, or something. Take care.
4 weeks ago
13 Wisecracks:
totally agree, wait until christmas time. ok, so email me, so we can plan are adventure.
Did I ever tell you about the time we had a YW come back to the stake after having moved to Utah and shaking her head and saying very consolingly in her testimony at youth conference, "I know you have to be so strong here in the mission field." I saw a few pitchforks and torches after the dance, but I think trouble was averted. Walk away, Melissa. Just walk away! :D
Still never been to Utah, and still don't want to live in Utah. I might visit, but I like having trees to create shade. And what's with all the mountains? Sure they're beautiful... to look at, but do people realize that if they just blew a few holes in the middle, it could take 5 min to get to Target rather than 30? Sorry Utah, I don't think we were meant for each other either.
You know what I like to tell people who bring up the mission field? That my brother enjoyed serving in the mission field during his full time mission in Salt Lake City, Utah. He says a big part of his mission was getting the members to believe all the stuff they put on their walls.
I have always believed Utah was one of my favorite places to visit, but I am thankful not to live there.
First of all, what makes you think what I'm saying is a "wisecrack"?!? (that's cool - how did you put that on there?) But, about Utah, we're not even friends. Just aquaintances that you use once in awhile only when you need something - like a trip to General Conference or something. Other than that, I'm not interested in Utah (or the big hair).
Right on...
You crack me up!!! Soooo funny!!!
Did I ever tell you about the time that we met the girl who played Julie in the Saturday's Warrior movie? She lived in Ben's brothers' ward in Michigan and when we were introduced she immediately told me that I HAD to come live in the mission field- with a nod and thumbs up.....I'm willing to bet that she's moved back to Utah by now.
ps, Feimster's Youtube skit is hillarious!!! OH MAN!
rachel, what do you mean "wait until Christmas time"? That sounds ominous.
nc quillers, I'm with you on the shade, but I'm afraid you're on your own with the whole "let's blow up the mountain to get to Target faster" thing.
alice, it took me so long to figure out how to change the "comments" thing that I don't remember how I eventually figured it out. sorry.
jen, best story, ever!
hehehe. Greg has coined a phrase about Utah that he uses for occassions such as these...Utahrded. ;)
P.S. I was born in Provo, So we will remain friends as well.
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