We've been a bunch of partying fools since last I posted. I hope you ate before you started reading, because this could take a while.
Tuesday, December 23rd we partied at my Uncle Mark and Aunt Julie's house. I remember going to their house for a Christmas party every year when I was a kid. They were incredibly kind to let us all into their home. Mom helped the grandkids decorate cookies.
P.S. Aunt Julie's hand-dipped chocolates are the best thing to happen to Christmas since silver bells.
Wednesday we partied with the Peterson's. Jeff's Mom's family always makes pizza on Christmas Eve. It was quite the setup. I believe we made a total of ten pizzas. We also went caroling and after dinner we played a joyous round of "Steal Presents From Other People and Make Sure Everyone Goes Home Disappointed" (or something like that). Halfway through the game, Harrison started sobbing and cried, "This is the worst game in my life!" Jeff's cousins took pity on Harrison and the boy went home happy.

Christmas morning the kids woke up to find that Santa had brought them exactly what they asked for: A baby doll for Chloe and a bathrobe and backpack for Harrison.

After breakfast, we had a family conference call with Jeff's family, including his missionary brother Brian. It was like we were all sitting around the table chatting. Good times.
Immediately after we hung up with Brian, we drove up to Idaho in a snowstorm. It was scary, but we made it safely there and didn't have to resort to cannibalism. Go team!
Friday everyone went sledding near my parent's house. Except Chloe. She cried.

Later in the day, we all went to the ISU Institute Building and played games with my Grandpa Curtis and some of my cousins. Dad showed no mercy (even on the elderly).

Saturday (the piece de resistance) we had breakfast at the Golden Corral before heading back to Utah. Harrison finished his food early, and in order to keep him busy I handed him the camera and told him to take a picture of every single person in our group. The results were delightful.
9 Wisecracks:
Looks like a fun filled holiday! Love the slidshow!
A Furniss party- I've been to one of those before! They certainly throw a good party. Your in-laws sound great- pie day and now pizza for Christmas Eve?!? Can I be adopted? :)
sweet slideshow. my favorite is ggma shirley's portrait. i am sad that we weren't there, if only to give h more practice with the camera.
What?!!! Is that Grandpa Lee with a camera?!!! I swear grandma said they were done taking pictures. ha ha!
Love the one of grandma's famous hair clips. ha ha!
Was Katy and Kenzie there too? How fun is that?!!! You are so lucky to live close to family like that.
Just to clarify, Grandpa Curtis is taking a picture with Katy's camera. My understanding is that Grandma and Grandpa have one roll of film left and Grandma's saving it for when Dannel gets married.
Wow! Thanks for the quality entertainment. I love the baby's face on Gma Peterson's lap, Jeff nursing a beer in the next photo (yeah, yeah, I know but it still made me laugh), and ALL of Harrison's GC shots. Especially the one of him. Wait...and Mom in a leather coat? Mwa mwa. Harrison needs to go sledding with the Allred boys. Not that the Coombs girls didn't show him a good time, but when you go with the pros.....
Oh, Melissa. That Golden Corral slide show is either the funniest thing ever or I am more tired than I thought. Awesome. :)
What a great post, I don't know where to begin! First of all, how mature and amazing is Harrison to ask for a back pack and a bathrobe! How did you manage that?!? Really do tell because I need to copy you. Also that slide show was a riot!! and it was so great that he also included photos of people's breakfast! Also, when I was 21 I wanted to cry at a White Elephant Party when someone stole my 80's magnetic Michael Jackson belt. As you can tell I am still grieving about that. lol.
I believe Harrison's desire for a bathrobe came from the fact that his Mommy and Daddy have one. Also, he saw "Home Alone" and that settled it for him. I think he wanted a Spiderman backpack because his friend has one. So, really he's a little conformist.
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