When I picked Harrison up from school the other day, he had in his hand a gift from the local Rotary Club. It was a book entitled "I Like Me!" It was one of those books where you add in bits of personal information and it becomes a book about that kid. He sat in the back seat and read it to me. It went something like this:
"I like me. I like my name, Harrison. This book is written about me."
How nice. He continued to read about how special he is and soon got to page four, which included the phrase:
"I like to belong to friends who are not in a gang."
I wasn't sure I had heard him right, so I had him repeat it. Then I asked him if he knew what a gang was. He didn't.
On the next page, he read this gem:
"I like to wear a red ribbon to show others I just say "No" to bad drugs.
. . .I like hugs, not bad drugs."
I asked him if he knew what bad drugs were. He didn't.
Page 9 included my new favorite poem:
"I am no fool;
I will stay in school.
I like school.
It is cool!"
Thanks for your help, Rotary Club. I can take it from here.
(To make your own "I Like Me!" book, go to www.ilikeme.org
1 month ago
10 Wisecracks:
Love it! Caleb has a similar book, only his is called My Favorite Book. For a while (like a day and a half) it really was the favorite! He learned so much about important things like not to show your baby sister the poisons under the sink. You know. Things he probably wouldn't have thought of on his own!
I love all of the agendas in kid's books and shows nowadays. I mean, it's good for kids to know, but when is entertainment entertainment... Anyway, that is funny!
that was a helpful book, and I like your background.
hmmmm. The Birdman just Hugs It Out. It is awesome....
Pirate shirts can be found at Target and we got a bunch of pirate onesies from carters....
hehehehe! AWESOME. Thanks for the cool link :)
You could add more pages like, "I won't bring guns and knives to school," "Abstinence is best" and and "prison is not for me."
just a thought. :)
i guess you gotta teach the kids these words early. emma is just now trying to decipher when the word gay means happy and when it means when two people of the same gender like each other. i have put it off as long as possible.
I'm glad Harrison is sharing his new found attitudes with Chloe. What a good big brother! :D
I really needed that laugh today! Tears, Melissa! TEARS of laughter!! Gotta love the Rotary Club.
how thoughtful of the rotary club ;)
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