Thursday, November 5, 2009

My One Beauty

Inspired by Sally's experience finding a wig that made her feel like herself and Catie's experiences with the kids at St. Judes, I decided I wanted to cut off my hair and donate it to Locks of Love.  I went to their website and read that donations must be at least 10 inches long and in a ponytail.  I measured my hair and found I barely had 10 inches in a ponytail.  I knew this was something I wanted to do but was nervous about having my hair shorter than it's ever been.  I think it's because at some point in my thirty years of life I got it into my head that my hair was my one beauty.

I have five sisters who are all very pretty.  My dad used to frequently brag that there wasn't "a bowzer in the bunch."  Whenever he did, I always felt people were staring at me thinking, "Except that giant redhead with the huge glasses and bad skin.  Where the heck'd she come from?"  The only thing people ever complimented me on when I was younger was my red hair.  I realized I wasn't going to get anywhere with my looks, so I'd better develop a personality.

When I started acting, every director and costumer I worked with insisted that I never cut my hair.  When I'd tell friends I wanted to cut my hair, they would give me a sing-songy,  "Ooooooohhkayyyyyy"   I even had a hair stylist refuse to cut it short.  What I heard them all saying was "Your hair is your one beauty and if you cut it off then people will see what you really look like and nobody wants that."  I always admired my friends with short hair. 

Well I did it anyway.  I cut my hair and here's what I know now: while my hair is certainly one of my better features, it's not my one beauty.  Short hair is fun and it makes me feel sassy.  It makes me look older, but in a good way.  Jeff will still love me with short hair.  People will still compliment me on my red hair, even if it's short.  It's not me.  It's a part of me.  Without it, I would still be me.

I imagine I must seem like a complete wimp to Sally and Catie.  It is, after all, just hair.  I like that Sally said that losing her hair was a good thing because it meant that she was on the road to healing.  I will also admit that I never noticed what an amazing smile Catie has until she lost her hair.  I wish them both well and hope that they know how beautiful they are to me.

26 Wisecracks:

Patti said...

I actually gasped with delight as I scrolled from the "is it really cut yet" picture to the new you. Fabulous! I admit to being a total hair wimp. If my hair doesn't look good, I feel like I look horrible. Bravo for locks of love and hair that makes you feel as fun and sassy as you already are!

Kimberly said...

I love it! And I love that you already had ten inches to whack off when you decided you wanted to do it! It took me two years to grow enough hair to donate! Lucky girl who gets your lovely hair. And it's such an awesome style! I love it! PS - who takes your glamour shots?

Anne said...

This post and you are beautiful. I remember when my mom's hair started falling out from chemo we decided to shave it off. We went into the bathroom, she took off her glasses, and I pulled out the buzzer. When we were finished, she put on her glasses, looked in the mirror, and said, "Why did you DO that to me?!" It was a good laugh and cry. And her hair is red.

Mom said...

You are, and always have been, beautiful! I love the short hair - very classy. Isn't your hair shorter in you senior picture on the wall? And you have never been the exception to the bowser statement, btw.

Nicole said...

What is wrong with me?! I'm crying because you donated your hair and because you look so pretty. :) Somehow it IS you. You're awesome.

melissa said...

Thanks, ladies. Mom, it looks long in front, but it's super boy short in back.

KQ said...

In my professional opinion, you and your new haircut are beautiful. Good for you for donating your hair!

Kate said...

Prepare yourself for a ridiculously long comment...

First off- you're gorgeous, hair or no. Second- that haircut ROCKS! You definitely look sassy and stylish.

You should know that when I first met you (was it really almost 6 years ago???) I thought you were one of the loveliest women I had ever seen- I think it's about your eyes and smile. I don't want to get all creepy here, just thought you should know that the way you see yourself isn't necessarily what everyone else sees.

Finally, your post kind of reminded of The Gift of the Magi- because it was so difficult for you to whack your hair off, your donation means that much more.

Emma said...

Super cute, Melissa! I love it- and I'm sure it feels crazy weird when you are washing it and it stops at your shoulders ;).
Locks of Love is great...if you ever want to do it again you can go to Great Clips and they will cut your hair for free if you donate it :).
When my brother was going through chemo my dad and his son both buzzed their heads- it was tempting to join them so I could join the cause, but I figured cutting would be better rather than buzzing for me.

Heather McKeon said...

Lovely - you, the hair, your donation - everything. And as someone who has often rocked the short hair look - it makes wearing long dangly earrings extra fun! So that's a little extra perk for you...

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Hey! I just did the same thing! I got my hair done on Saturday and went without knowing what I wanted to do. When I realized it was long enough to donate, I pulled the trigger. In fact, *ew* there's a ziploc baggie of hair in my purse waiting to be mailed right now. Thanks for the reminder. Wouldn't THAT be a funny purse to steal... grosss.

Anyway, long story when I should have started with my LOVE for your new 'do! It looks great!

Greg said...

Don't like it...LOVE it!
Gorgeous as always!!

Kasey Q said...

I love it! You look so great! What an awesome person, and what an awesome thing to do. Good for you Mel! You're simply fabulous!

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Love it!!!

I had to laugh about you thinking you were the odd one in the family. I felt that way about myself in my family too. (maybe it is a red head thing)

One time, when Dannel and I were younger (okay, a LOT younger) this lady in our ward came up to us and said "Dannel, you are such a beautiful young lady!!!" Then she turned to me and said "and you will be......some day." ha ha!
I am SOOOO over that comment now. (so much that I still mention it today. ha ha!)

Anyways, you look FABULOUS!!!

kenzie said...

Total sob story (for me)!
I love the hair. You look way sassy and as beautiful as ever.

Unknown said...

Love love it! It is lovely and delightful just like you!

P.S. You are so me....can't you seeeeee...

I just had to sing that to you because it popped into my head.

It's true, you are definitely a Lee Beauty.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
allyn said...

i don't know how i missed this post yesterday. i was so eager to see your new hair and so was lilja. she kept asking if you had posted pictures. it is so adorable and adds to your many other obviously beautiful features. they really did a good job. i still love you.
i will say that cutting off your hair is exposing and liberating all in one.

Jen said... look gorgeous!

Meredith said...

I LOVE it! Everyone has to try a short cut at least once to see if it suits them. You totally pull off that sassy 'do! I had a roommate in college who had alopecia and had to wear a wig -- red actually. She was a rep for Locks of Love as well.

Dannel and Rhett said...

Melissa- When I read the title, I thought you were going to make fun of the movie "Little Women" or something. I was preparing for a sure laugh :) I love your wit. I hadn't seen the previous post that you were contemplating cutting your hair. IT LOOKS SO GREAT THOUGH! Good job! BUT you are very pretty either way! love ya.

bobincary said...

I can truthfully say that when I said there wasn't a bowser in the bunch I really meant it. I always thought of all the girls as beautiful, to the bone.

Katy said...

Oh, Melissa! You are gorgeous no matter what you wear, no matter your hair! I love your hair and your blog.

Unknown said...

I love it, Melissa. Very chic.

Unknown said...

Nice hair Melissa, we like it. :)

Courtney said...

I absolutely love it!