Thursday, March 7, 2013

One Shining Basketball Season

Harrison finished another season of basketball last week.  He's improved so much since last season.  He really understands the game and is a great team player.  He was very hesitant to try to take a shot during the games.  I told him he should just give it a try.  He tried.  He missed.  I told him he should try again in the next game.  He said, "I already tried that once."  Ha!  He did eventually make a shot.  Of course that was during the one game I missed.  I hear that Jeff cheered loud enough for both of us, though.   

We're all looking forward to March Madness (some more than others) and I hope this video gets you excited about The Madness, too.  I couldn't find Luther Vandross singing "One Shining Moment" for sale, but at least this isn't the completely unacceptable Jennifer Hudson version.

6 Wisecracks:

KQ said...

Congratulations Harrison!

Melissa, I'm sorry that I can't congratulate you on that song. Ugh! That was the worst! And you say there is one worse than that? Unbelievable.

melissa said...

Wait, are you for real? Have you not heard it before? It's ONE SHINGING MOMENT. They play it at the end of the NCAA tournament every year and it makes me cry every time. Search your soul, friend.

Patti said...

That. Was. Awesome. I loved the perfect coordination of "the ball is tipped". Well done Melissa! Now where is that kleenex?! *sniff*

KQ said...

I recognized the Jennifer Hudson version when I just watched it on YouTube. It's way better than that lame guy's voice. Way. Better.

melissa said...

I think context is a big part of it. If you haven't heard it before, it's a super cheesy song. If I didn't see how they massacred the montage the year that Jennifer Hudson sang it, it probably wouldn't bother me. Obviously she has a better voice, but it just ain't right, Kikka. It just ain't.

Nicole said...

My boys loved this film. "Ball! Ball!" We'll watch it again, I think.

(This totally took you all day to make. Hahahahahaha! It took me hours just to do a minute and 50 seconds of a movie that wasn't coordinated with music. Whew! Maybe you COULD quit your day job.)