Friday, September 28, 2007

Gone, Baby, Gone!

We officially have no babies in the house. Chloe started hatin' on her crib last week and we decided she could graduate to a toddler bed. She and Harrison stayed up as late as usual, but now we have two darling children coming out every ten minutes to tell us "one more thing." Here are some pictures of Chloe and the crib Jeff just threw in the dumpster under the cover of darkness.

4 Wisecracks:

Jami & Boys said...

I'm dreading the next step to a toddler bed with Jaxton -- and we can't put it off much longer. Any wonderful suggestions?

Kristi said...

I love the black and white pictures to the colorful happy picture in the toddler bed...very effective.:) Chloe seems like such a big girl now with her pigtails and toddler bed, wow!

melissa said...

She's doing remarkably well with the new bed. We didn't think she would take a nap in it, but she did. I think it helps that Harrison is stuck in the room with her. Harrison was much more of an escape artist. Moving him to a bed was the worst. So, good luck with that.

Grandma Win said...

Great site. so much fun and cretivitity.

we just got home from a week with Lauren and Anne while MIke and Shelley were in Argentina picking up Spencer. Then there was the homecoming and his talk at sacrament meeting.


Love ya.