Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Camping Curse

Every time we have ever planned a camping trip, something goes wrong. Either it rains, or someone gets sick, or I remember how much I love being indoors; in any case, we seem to be cursed when it comes to camping.

Last weekend was our church's annual campout. We talked it up for weeks and Harrison asked me every day when we were going camping. Then the little darling got sick. We promised him we would take him the next weekend and that seemed to passify him.

Late yesterday afternoon our area finally got the rain we'd been hoping for. Melissa don't camp in no rain. (Neither does Jeff, so lay off!) Harrison was so sad when we told him we couldn't go camping. We decided to set up a tent in their bedroom and let them sleep in their sleeping bags. They loved it!

They played in the tent,

had fun with their flashlights,

took a picture of Mommy looking like the Wizard of Oz,

and eventually they both got a good night's sleep in their own beds.

We've promised Harrison we'll go camping next weekend
. . . unless the curse continues.

3 Wisecracks:

Rachael said...

That's a great idea! We weren't able to go to the ward campout either...much to Rylee's disappointment. I think we'll try this for ourselves!

Grandma Win said...

Cute pictures. fun time! Most creative. But, then what can we epect from you guys!

Love ya,

G. Win

Jami & Boys said...

You seriously are the funniest blogger -- I love it! Your post gave Nate and I a good chuckle!