Some of you may have noticed the Match Day countdown at the bottom of the page. I tried to move it to the top of the page, but no dice. Match Day is the day we find out where Jeff will be doing his internship and residency. It's pretty much all we've thought about for the past few weeks and a day we've been waiting for since he started medical school. For those of you who aren't familiar with how the matching process works, it goes something like this:
Step 1: In September Jeff made a list of all the places he wanted to apply to. This is the only part of the process we had any control over, so we took it very seriously. Any state from North Dakota down to Texas was ruled out. I'm allergic to those states. In total, he applied to about 30 places.
Step 2: Jeff was asked to interview at many of the places he applied to. The interview is like a first date. He has to act really interested, because it may be his only chance. From November through the beginning of February Jeff traveled to different hospitals about once a week for interviews. No expenses paid.
Step 3: After finishing his interviews, Jeff then had to submit a Rank List of all of the programs. He put the prettiest programs at the top of the list and the uggos at the bottom.
Step 4a: The hospital programs create their own rank list.
Step 4b: If hospitals wanted to rank Jeff high on their list, they gave him a call. Or sent him a note in history class that said, "I like you, do you like me? Check yes or no."
Step 5: A big computer in the sky finds everyone their perfect match. I'm pretty sure it's the same people who work at
Step 6: On March 20 Jeff will open his match letter and make one of these faces:
And then we will know where we'll be spending the next six years. Jeff doesn't want me to tell anyone his first choices (In case he doesn't get them. He doesn't need your pity!), but he has allowed me to share his top five IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
For internship:
Salt Lake City, Newport News, Roanoke, and Charlotte.
For Radiology Residency:
Seattle, St. Louis, Ann Arbor, Salt Lake City, Durham.
1 month ago
13 Wisecracks:
I can't wait to know where you guys are going!
St Louis, St Louis, St Louis! Although it is pretty close to your allergic state zone...
I'll be referring anyone who asks me about Dan matching to your blog. This is the best summary EVER. The match should publish it, especially the part about history class.
I love the poses of Jeff making the faces he might make. Now, you have to take a picture when he opens the real letter so we can see which face won :)
You know, I think it was a little premature to count Texas out of the may be flat and brown but they have bluebonnets in spring. But whatever, make sure you guys match close to wherever we match so I can have a friend.
Texas is definitely on my list of places to visit and not live in. I'd like to try some Tex-Mex food in San Antonio and visit Ewing Oil in Dallas.
Hooray for Match Day.
SLC isn't far from Boise. Maybe we could rendevous again in Pocatello, Motel 6 Style. I'll bring the Little Ceasars.
Pick me, pick me, Salt lake city or Seattle. there are the best from my experience
Hey, we went to Texas this year. It was pretty sweet.
Of course it was January, NOT August.
Plus we spent a lot of time in Austen which is barely Texas anyway.
I'm voting St. Louis. For no reason at all.
I don't know who you know in Newport News, but Jay and I are here and would welcome you with open arms if you come this way.
Susan Forsgren
Isn't St Louis the crime capitol of the country? Ashley! Watch your back! Obviously I'm hoping that you stay on the east coast but if you went to Utah it might just tempt us as well....
Good Luck! I hope you get matched to the right place! eharmony guarantees it ;)
Hey, Melissa, this is my first visit to your blog. I loved this post--you are so much fun! Good luck with your exciting future!
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