He did it! Friday night Jeff took the Hippocratic Oath and was welcomed into the profession of medicine. It was an amazing evening that will stay with us forever. The Hippocratic Oath and hooding ceremony was held in the Duke Chapel. Jeff had the honor of singing a musical number and I accompanied him on the piano. If you know us, you know that's not usually how we do things. He did a beautiful job and I didn't vomit, so . . . blogger high five!
The past four years have been exciting and difficult, but they went by much faster than I thought they would. I remember the moment Jeff decided to go to medical school. Since that moment he has worked so hard and he seems to genuinely love the study of medicine. I'm so proud of him and know he's going to be an amazing doctor.
Our neverending journey begins in a couple of days. Any advice for lengthy car rides with kids?
1 month ago
11 Wisecracks:
I must say, Dr. Maxwell looks dashing in green.
Congrats to you all! not only for graduating, but for singing/playing paino, and for sitting through the graduation ceremonies. We could only handle the hooding ceremony, which seemed to be about as long as it took Scott to get his degree in the first place! I'll see you tomorrow, Melissa.
Congratulations Everyone! (Melissa and kids for making it and Jeff for completing!)
As for car rides... do the longest days first, as much as possible. Don't divide the trip up evenly. Make the last day the shortest if you can. (For other tidbits I have learned gimme a call. :) See you guys soon!
Congratulations to you both!
Drive as much as you can that first day!! That's when everyone has the "most" patience.
Stop every couple of hours and just let the kids run around. We usually try to find a Chic-Fil-A or somewhere with a good play place for lunch and let the kids play while we eat. Then get the kids food to go right when we leave and they can eat in the car. We also get childrens books that also come with a CD. They just sit there with their cd players and flip through the books...they LOVE those!
Best of Luck!!
Congratulations to you both! However, my real point in this post is to ask you where you got your fabulous polka dot dress. Since you're moving I can buy the same one and it wont be too weird. Well probably a little weird, but that's ok.
I bought my dress at Marshall's for Easter last year. My friend showed up at church wearing the same dress on Easter morning. Apparently, she didn't know she had to wait until I moved to wear the same dress as me.
Congrats Dr Maxwell! and family. Good Luck on the car ride. Everyones ideas sound good.
You guys Rock! I love that you guys are doing a music number...that's so Maxwell/Lee of you!
Congratulations Jeff! As far as the drive goes, I'd suggest bringing along some motion sickness pills for young'uns just in case something isn't sitting right. Erika always thinks of these things and they have come in handy a few times.
Having just come home from a road trip with a toddler, I highly recommend the stopping every four hours for some park time. We happened to know where the park was at our half-way point, but still. We can't wait to see you! I bet you've already left. Rats.
the best part is that you are now Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell. that sounds cool
Congratulations to you BOTH! I get the sense being a med school wife is no walk in the park, either :) so many congrats for both of you coming out unscathed.
I have no advice for kids in the car. I WAS a kid in a car at one point, but I have very little experience on my own. I can share Koryn's advice, but I cannot claim it as my own... they rented RedBox flicks at McDonald's along the way and could return them at the next stop along the drive.
We can't wait to see you in Salt Lake!
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