Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in the Summer of '79

I turn 29 tomorrow. That means I can see 30 when I stand up. When old ladies on t.v. lie about their age, they always say they're 29. I guess that's because 29 sounds young to them. It sounds young to me, too. It just doesn't feel young. As I go about life it's becoming increasingly clear to me that I am no longer a young person.

I remember the first time I ever felt old. I was taking a group of 16 year old girls from our church to an activity somewhere. One of them found a cassette tape of The Wonder Years soundtrack melting in my back window. She picked it up, pointed to the picture on the front cover and said, "Hey, Jenny! See this guy? He's Ben Savage's brother." I found myself wondering when Fred Savage suddenly became a footnote in the grand career of Ben Savage.

It's been downhill ever since then. Every time I hear a song I listened to as a kid played on the oldies station, I feel it. When kids I used to babysit send me a wedding invitation or birth announcement, I feel it. When I tell a young whipper snapper that we didn't even HAVE the Internet when I was in school, I feel it. Every time I pay $4.15 a gallon at the pump and think back to "the good old days" when gas was just $o.80 a gallon, I feel it. Each time a child says, "Whooah!" when I tell them how old I am, I feel it.

They say you're as young as you feel. And I feel old.

14 Wisecracks:

Catie said...

Happy Birthday Melissa!! Come on--29 isn't that old!!!

Kimberly said...

Who's Ben Savage? Fred Savage, I know, but Ben Savage? I'm pretty sure he wasn't in the Back Street Boys......

Happy Happy Birthday!

And you are more than welcome to come cool your old decrepit heels at our place anytime.

Kimberly said...

Who's Ben Savage? Fred Savage, I know, but Ben Savage? I'm pretty sure he wasn't in the Back Street Boys......

Happy Happy Birthday!

And you are more than welcome to come cool your old decrepit heels at our place anytime.

Jen said...

Totally- who is Ben Savage? Happy Birthday darlin'! Can't wait for the big blowout next year to celebrate your entrance into ACTUAL oldness. Try staring 40 down the barrel if you think 29 is old.

melissa said...

Ben Savage is Fred Savage's little brother. (Which I hyperlinked just for you.) He starred in a show called "Boy Meets World."

Wow. Forty. That sure does put things in perspective.

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday To YOU! What's with all the bad "getting older" press? Isn't it a relief not to be a stupid kid anymore? See you tomorrow. :)

Unknown said...

Wow...I loved Fred Savage....sigh...I used to write about him in my journal and lament that he wasn't a mormon.
Happy Birthday, Melissa. I enjoyed a cup of tea in honor of you tonight.

melissa said...

Excellent point, Nicole. I worry that if I make mistakes now, I don't have the excuse of being a "stupid kid." Now I'm just stupid.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Melissa!! - I have been "feelin" it lately too - Check out my Youth Conference post for proof ;) I can't believe you are not even 30 yet, just a spring chicken you are.

Katy said...

You are almost old enough to check the "30-45" box when they ask your age. It's not so bad. I mean, just yesterday I went to the Endodontist who told me I have to have 2 root canals. I sobbed all the way to the pharmacy to pick up my RX strength compression hosiery for my varicose veins. You're still 29. You don't have to worry about that kind of stuff until your ...32. Embrace it.

Erik said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! Looking fine at 29!

Kate said...

I work with a bunch on 22 and 23 year olds. They graduated from high school when I graduated from college. I feel your pain...
Maybe lots and lots of birthday cake, even smashing your face into it, would make you feel younger? It works for me... (that and cookie dough)

allyn said...

just be glad that your cane and your fist still look tough because your breasts are shot!

h.b. old lady.

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

I know I know who Ben Savage is!!!!

And I turned 30 this year. I'm in YW and when I told the girls how old I was going to be, one said, "Sister Kelly, you shouldn't say that out loud!" Ah yes, tis wonderful, but actually my favorite age thus far. Okay, well maybe 27 was....