Our playgroup met at Wheeler Farm this morning. You may remember that our last trip to a farm didn't go so well. I think the kids were expecting something stuffed or animated when they met live animals the first time. This time there were no surprises. Animals stink and make noise and are officially "scary" and that's cool as long as that's what you're expecting. I put Harrison in charge of the map and Chloe in charge of wearing sunglasses and complaining, so they look like tourists in all the pictures. Enjoy!
As we were heading out of the parking lot and into the farm, a couple of women got out of a van, yelled at me, and waved. I waved back because I'm the only one they could have been waving at, but didn't recognize them and walked away. As we were leaving the farm, I saw the same two women having a picnic with a redheaded woman who is at least 50 pounds heavier than me. Oy!
4 weeks ago
1 Wisecracks:
Yay for titles from musical songs. And maybe those women thought their friend had lost a lot of weight and become a super neato thin woman overnight. Your kids are awesome and I won't tell Miriam and Catherine how much fun they could be having if I let them do stuff.
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