I saw my baby yesterday. It was a wiggly little child. That part is always fun because it makes the whole baby in my belly thing more real. The not-so-fun part was when I passed out after they took blood from me. Apparently one should eat and drink before someone takes five vials of their blood.
I also met my new doctor. She looks like Michelle Pfeiffer, plus a pierced tongue and fishnet stockings. She introduced herself by saying, "My name is Rebecca, but you can call me Sam." Super. She'll be appearing on tonight's episode of "Five Under Five" on the Discovery Health Channel. Don't be jealous.
Here are some shots of the little tumbler:
From the side:
And freaky alien front view:
I'm thinking of putting Freaky Alien Front View in the Look-a-like meter and seeing what happens.
1 month ago
9 Wisecracks:
Ah, but do you want to be told that an alien-view baby looks more like you (or Jeff)? :)
Always fun to see an ultrasound.
Do alien babies need boy or girl clothes? :)
Do we get to know what it is? Besides an alien, that is. Or do alien babies need boy or girl car seat blankets? :)
We won't find out what it is until the next ultrasound at the end of the year. I think alien babies need Reece's Pieces car seat blankets. :)
you are so funny!! (although that really does look like an alien......freaky!!!) The first picture looks so perfect!!! Its like a little baby all swaddled up inside your belly. ha ha!
Sorry you passed out. I do when they take my blood too. Something to do with Red heads and low iron. :) (but red heads will still take over the world. ha ha)
how are you feeling?
Lllove it!
I would go through labor and delivery again and again over getting my blood drawn. My body just reacts! The nurses smirk when I ask if we can go into a room where I can lay down and suck on the tootsie pop I brought along. Next time I'll just let them scoop me off the floor. That'll show 'em. I'm excited to find out what the alien is--do you have a preference?
I hate to actually say it outloud, but a boy would be delightful.
I still am so thrilled that youare having a baby. I wonder, are you doing your tradition of reading the BOM while you are pregnant? I thought that was a really good idea and I'm going to do it my next time.
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