After I had Harrison and Chloe I discovered a lot of cool baby stuff I wished I'd had when they were tiny tots. It's been three years since we've had a baby in the house and I can't remember what any of those cool baby gadgets were. Also, we got rid of everything baby when we moved because it was all falling apart. SO, I'm wondering what baby accessories you love or can't live without. What is it and where can I get it? Please share!
1 month ago
14 Wisecracks:
Boppy Pillow and Tiny Love Mobile. Good Luck
I could have killed for two Bumbos. I didn't know they existed but wanted something EXACTLY like them. Get them on craigslist. Also, if you think you'll breastfeed, My Brest Friend pillow is a zillion times better than a boppy. I'm pretty sure I wanted a night nurse (rich people have those) but that's probably not in Jeff's paycheck. (If it is, I'm telling Ricky to move residencies to St. Louis!) And a pack n play with bassinet (but none of the other junk that normally accompanies the pack n plays). Whee! Prepare for another invasion of plastic!
I'm a minimalist.
At first the only gadgets I used were a boppy, an old-style bassinet that I got for $20 at a consignment sale and a really cheap (but free to me) bouncy seat that vibrates the heck out of her. She still loves the bouncy.
Now (and for the past few months)my greatest friend is the Bumbo seat. She sits in it on the bathroom counter while I'm in there (I'm all about safety here:) ) and if we are going to a restaurant, it's perfect, because it sits on the chair and she's happy that she can sit with us and not in her carseat. Like Kim said, I would get one on craigslist, because even as much as I love it, I wouldn't pay $40 for it.
If you don't already look at it, I would check out Baby Cheapskate's blog for ideas, reviews and sale items. As you know, I'm all about good, cheap stuff (as opposed to cheap cheap stuff).
Have fun filling up any extra space that you once had!
I would just borrow all the big stuff if you can. I have lots of fun baby things I can't live without and I would pay full price for some of them. Well, maybe one: a bed sheet that zips out of the crib. Don't you hate getting out crib sheets? I got mine at Baby Abby when Olivia was born. I'll look it up to be sure and let you know. I just got a leather bib at Target for 5 bucks on clearance. Love it, just wipe with a baby wipe and all done! I love baby legs, which you could easily make, I am also a Robez fan. I have gotten them on craigslist and got a sweet deal on furry lined leather Robez boots for infants at my local Once Upon a Child. Kathryn has worn them everyday since she turned 6 months and they never fall off- plus they look cool which is more important, right? I actually just got rid of almost all the baby toys, except for a couple of teething rings. Kathryn just plays with the big kid toys. I have found so many things are totally unnecessary for babies. they have really cute nursing covers now, but I am sure you or one of your many skilled sisters can come up with that. I'm all about wooden rattles. Oh yes, I got a video monitor from a yard sale and I could never do with out it now. Umm, yea, I will keep thinking. I love new baby gadgets! Sorry for the rambling..
The Bumbo. I'm sure you can find it cheap second hand and there's not much a kid can do to destroy it, so it's definitely something I would get used. I'm honestly trying to rack my brain for any other 'must haves'. I had to cut down on the gear I used for Hayden because we were traveling back and forth so much. I have this seat that hooks into the tub so as soon as Hayden could sit up, she could sit in the tub with Abbey and I didn't worry about her falling over and hitting her head. I wouldn't say it is a 'must have'. It is handy and makes bath time easier, but I'm borrowing it and I'm not sure I would have spent money on it :) I am super cheap about kid stuff--almost to a fault.
Allyn's making me a cute hooter hider- I'm super stoked about that one. Maybe if you are nice to her she'll make one for you too!
the only thing i have found that i MUST have is diapers and wipes (and i can even get by without those-the wipes, i mean), clothes and blankets. now for stuff i used and didn't think i would ever: baby bjorn. borrow someone's or check out your nearest d.i. because they are quite pricey and the kid will outgrow it quite quickly. i never had one until noah and i could not believe i had never used one before. seriously, if you are wearing it right you can carry your baby and have two free hands. i used it all the time until he weighed about 20lbs. then it was in the backpack.
I had a Breast Friend pillow that was seriously my best friend. It helped my back while I nursed. Also a seat of some kind to put the baby in so you can, you know, actually do stuff without holding a sweet baby. I had a seat that was a rocker and it vibrated and had toys hanging on it. The toys are all lost, but the seat itself was a life-saver. And the Baby Bjorn is awesome at the grocery store!
I'll just emphasize what many have already said: BABY BJORN, Boppy, and Bumbo. That's all you need:) The zipper sheet sounds cool. I'll look into that.
Bumbo seat, my Mommas Milk baby sling and if its a girl, I couldn't live without Edens little bejeweled passy holders with coordinating little bracelets, so adorable on those little pudgy wrists!!
Happy Shopping!!
Which reminds me that Katy totally stole my Bjorn (or borrowed forever- whatever!)
I like a good free babysitter.
Ok, I thought of something real. If you're going the bottle route, one of those formula holder thing-a-ma-jigs. It's a little plastic container with at least three divided compartments and a flip open spout so you can measure out portions and dump them in a bottle of water when you're on the go. Also helpful for those middle of the night feedings and you're trying to manage a hungry baby while trying to function half awake. You can get them anywhere. Target, Babies-R-Us, probably even a grocery store.
I thought of something else that I love. The Bundle Me. It's a fleece blanket that goes in the carseat. I know it's about to warm up soon, but Lyla's almost 7 months old and she's still using it. They aren't cheap. My mom found it at TJ Maxx for $15, so I would keep your eyes open for one at a place like that or a consignment sale or something. I like not having to remember a blanket or a coat.
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