Jeff and I were married seven years ago today.

We're so meant for each other. We have so much in common. Like, we both really like asparagus and we both think that puppies are super cute. We can talk or not talk for hours and still find things to not talk about. And he's constantly surprising me. Like, the other day he brought home some pink milk. I was all, "Who's pink milk is this?" And he was like, "It's mine." He said he actually likes pink milk more than chocolate milk. Whoah! Just when you have a guy pegged as a chocolate milk man, he throws you a curve ball. Here's to many more years of surprises!
16 Wisecracks:
You two are so romantic... :)
such deep sentiments. that's what makes the years go by quickly.
happy seventh. i bet you are looking forward to your 50th when you will actually receive the quilt i started for your wedding.
Happy Anniversary!
I love the quote from Best in Show.
Did you mean to quote Best in Show?
Happy Anniversary!
It took you seven years to have the pink milk discussion? Weird. I've only ever seen one picture of your wedding that Nicole posted on her blog, but it looked beautiful. Here's to seven more!
Happy Anniversary!
Do you both really like Soup?
Excellent question, Uno. Sadly, I am a soup person and he is not so much. Unless it's a cream soup. He doesn't like when soup is just "stuff floating in water."
Very cool!! Happy Anniversary!!
Hope you guys had a fun one!!
"Stuff floating in water." hahahahahaha! You're so much funnier with Jeff. Congratulations on 7 years.
Happy Anniversary! You two were definitely meant for each other. I remember when Ted told me you were engaged (at BYU). I was so surprised because I didn't know you were dating, but after about 2 seconds I thought, "I can't believe they didn't get together sooner!" You are great. I hope you have a nice day!
You're kidding about the asparagus right?
I never kid about asparagus.
By the way, I had to laugh when I talked to grandma lee last Sunday. She was telling me that your little boy sang "joe the plumber" to her.......hmmmm. I finally figured out she meant "bob the builder." ha ha!! too funny!!!
Ah, yes. "Joe the Plumber," that classic John McCain campaign theme song. Awesome.
Jeff likes puppies?
I'm aghast.
Asparagus is sacred.
Oh and that is a cute picture.
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