Thank you so much for letting me know what baby products you love! I thought I'd share everyone's suggestions in case others are desperate for their babies to be the coolest cats on the block.
18. Divided container for formula--I agree with Annie that this is a must. We used it for cheerios and such, too.
1. The Bumbo--the baby seat with the ridiculous name is a product most of you can't live without.

2. Boppy--this nursing pillow was suggested by many of you, although Katy and Kim showed more love for . . .
3. the Brest Friend Pillow. Kim claims it's a zillion times better than the Boppy. She nursed twins for a long time, so I won't argue with that.
4. Baby Bjorn--My sisters all say this is a lifesaver. And Jen suggested Katy return hers. I don't believe this man has ever seen a baby before.

5. A Vibrating Bouncy Seat--We didn't have a fancy-shmancy vibrating seat, but my kids liked their bouncy seat. And the baby swing.
6. A Nursing Cover, a.k.a. Hooter Hider, a.k.a. Knocker Blocker--Look how happy this woman is to be nursing in the park.

7. A bed sheet that zips out of the crib--I've never seen one, Angie says they're wonderful.
8. Robeez shoes--Angie and I agree that these are the perfect shoes for toddlers. My kids always got the Target brand, though.
9. A pack'n play with a bassinet--I just bought one the other day. How did we have two kids and no pack 'n play?
10. Toddler Tub Seat--I had to look this one up, but I think Ashley's got the right idea. That would have been SO helpful. (Especially with two kids in the tub.)

11. Bundle Me Carseat cover--Kikka suggested this and I think we may need one for winter, or I can take a moment to shamelessly plug Nicole's Car Seat Blankets. Custom made and so adorable!

12. Bejeweled pacifiers with matching bracelets--If I were having a girl, these would, indeed be neccessities. As would Baby Leggs.
13. Leather bib--Angie says she likes to be able to just wipe this off and have it be clean. We had these with Harrison and they were good, but with Chloe I just got a million cloth bibs and found I preferred throwing the bib in the laundry. (Probably because Jeff does the laundry.)
14. A Tiny Love Mobile--Susan suggested this. I don't know what makes it special, but I'm a fan of any mobile.
15. Wooden Rattles--Angie's a fan.
16. Video monitor--Angie's a fan of this, too. (Angie likes baby stuff.) We've never had a monitor of any kind, so this sounds like something you would want if you had several floors and lots of square footage in your home.
17. Momma's Milk Baby Sling--Cara suggested this and I'm so excited because my friend Helen "crafted" me one that looks just like it. And I'm going to look just like these ladies when I wear it.

19. Lingerie bag for baby socks--Secretly this is my brilliant suggestion. I hate trying to find baby socks in a stack of laundry.
20. (My favorite suggestion of all) Annie suggested she can't live without a Free Babysitter!

19 Wisecracks:
Okay, I have a new baby stuff wish list! I think the only things I have on the list is a boppy, which I love, and the lingerie bag for socks (best thing ever). Thanks for listing everyone's responses!
I think the Bjorn couple are both guys....or guys..
Oh, the Bjorn! Yes, I couldn't live without it. I didn't use it as much with Abbey but it is a must to be hands-free with a toddler, so Hayden is in it a lot. When I opened it at my baby shower, I said "A Bjorn! Awesome, beautiful people own these!"
I don't know how I feel about the hooter hider. Don't you think the fun, cute patterns just draw attention? Cute picture of the parents!
I found that the lady at the park who was practically topless and letting her girls hang loose drew more attention.
To me, the Hooter Hider says, "See, I'm nursing, but don't worry--you're not getting a show."
I use a lingerie bag for my bibs so that the velcro doesn't snag her other clothes. I just hang it on her door knob and toss the bibs in there after she eats.
What?! When did you ask about baby products we can't live without? All my stuff was mentioned - I don't know why I freaked out. Thanks for plugging car seat blankets. :)
I like the idea of the Toddler Tub Seat. I need that with twins. That is an awesome idea. PLUS I have never heard of the other kids of Nursing Pillow, I would have liked to see if works for twins.
I think my favorite picture is the one of the 4 ladies with slings.
I love how they are all laughing at the fact that they are in this ad and have never had kids. :)
Lots of people have suggested the sling to me too... I, however, have found I am not a fan of carrying my baby all the time. Especially after carrying him for 9 months... The baby bjorn (or similar other brand product) is helpful for grocery shopping though.
The bumbo seat can serve as the tub seat as well. Can't beat two items for the price of one.
Sorry I never suggested anything. The bumbo, which is #1 on my list, had already been mentioned so many times. The bouncer is my #2.
So that is what I needed at the pool last summer to look hot- the baby sling! Maybe next time.. Fun list and yes I like baby stuff and babies too, especially when they sleep. No one suggested a magic sleeping aid for babies????? Come on friends!!
Will you please crop you, me, and Jen into the picture of the girls in the ocean? Just the heads, though.
that bathing babes picture is awesome. did you do that yourself or did ben allred do that? glad you got a good conglomerate of suggestions. you were well-served. and also, good job finding free babysitters. they look safe.
Can you believe that picture of the swimming "moms"? In what universe is that scenario fun?
That baby bjorn pic was a little creepy...he was a little haute couture for a baby gear ad, and pretty sure he doesn't like babies, or women ;)
You are gunna have the rockin'est decked out baby E-V-E-R!!
Oh! I missed commenting on your first post.
My favorite things:
1) The Sleepy Wrap. It is a baby carrier. Looks like a gigantic piece of cloth that you voo doo wrap around you and stick your baby in there. SO Comfy. So Cozy.
2) Hide and Seek Books. Little tiny books that you lift the little flap and reveal the animal etc. hiding. We got a little briefcase looking thing with 10 of these in there.
3)The Skip Hop baby changer. PERFECT. Put in your diaper bag. It is a changing pad that zips off, and has compartments for wipes and diapers etc. I love this. I can just grab it and head to the bath room without taking the whole bag.
4)Diaper Caddy. Upstairs/Downstairs life save.
5) During Maternity leave I couldn't live without: Cable.
6) When I was prego I couldn't live without: Body Pillows.
7) Best book on Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding Made Simple. Okay, I know it isn't simple, but this book did WAY better than all the others for me. I loved it.
8)The Miracle Blanket for swaddling. Nothing Better!!!
I could keep going and going and going. But I will stop.
Love to you and your baby belly...
Oh dear. sorry about the baby bjorn I "inherited" from Jen. I lent it out a few times and always got it back. Until I lent it to my sister-in-law and then she went crazy and divorced my brother-in-law, so now I can't talk to her to get it back. Best buy a new one.
Hey Melissa,
I have a baby carrier snuggli thing that I will send to you. I used two slings seeing as how I had two infants that sometimes needed to be walked around the house at the same time. Also, your baby present that I will actually buy is going to be an Ultimate Crib Sheet. I own four (two for each crib) and love them. They snap around the crib slats and are waterproof and when the kid vomits or pees or poops or whatever, you just snap the sheets off and go in to the dryer. No struggling with bumpers and such AND if you have sheets that match the bumper (I never did) you see the pattern of your matching sheets from the side. Happy baby time. Glad it's you and not me!
SWEET! I look forward to both, Kimberly.
I have a new grandchild and I couldn't believe my eyea when my kids showed up with the Bumbo. I had no idea what in the world it was, but I can't live without it. I just wish we had one of these when our kids were small. It works great on the counters and table for feeding time.
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