Does anyone else laugh when they see pregnancy pictures like this? Seriously. Who stands in a field of flowers and ponders their baby bump? What I'm really pondering is: Why am I still pregnant? Hasn't it been nine months? Who needs NINE months? Everyone I know is pretty much ready by month eight.

That's when you start doing weirdly desperate things to get the baby out. Like absurdly long walks and spicy foods.

Eventually you just give up and conclude that the kid is never actually coming and you will forever remain in a constant state of pregnancy.

In other news,
I've officially lost it. Last night I burst into my bathroom at 2am and demanded that my lotion and hairspray please keep it down in there.

I hope my children remember a time when Mommy wasn't crazy.
20 Wisecracks:
Beautiful pictures!!! least you had the presence of mind to say "please" to your lotion and hairspray! Politeness is important - lol. ;)
The last month of pregnancy is THE WORST. I wish you luck in your wait. Blech. The night I went into labor with Emmett, I was at a football stadium and had to go up and down the stadium steps. The night I went into labor with Lissie I went swimming. But perhaps it's all coincidental. :) Enjoy your red shoes in two months!
The last month of pregnancy is THE WORST. I wish you luck in your wait. Blech. The night I went into labor with Emmett, I was at a football stadium and had to go up and down the stadium steps. The night I went into labor with Lissie I went swimming. But perhaps it's all coincidental. :) Enjoy your red shoes in two months!
You can't say you have tried EVERYTHING until you drink a bottle of Caster oil. (and I would not suggest doing just makes you throw up)
Hope your day comes soon!!
Happy pushing!!! :)
I have tried to think of all these witty things to say to you to try to express how much you make me laugh, but everything sounded about as ridiculous and that picture of you smiling at your pregnant belly looks. I guess I just want to tell you that I love you (hope that's not weird) and your sense of humor. I hope time passes fast!
I learned yesterday at the zoo, that a giraffe can give birth to a 6ft tall and 100-150 pound baby giraffe and they are pregnant for 15 months. Lucky giraffes!
Thanks for the perspective, Rachel. And thanks for the love, Keeks.
i'm with you all the way. nine months is way too long. i know of children who were born at six months and they are still alive. sure they were in the hospital for 3 months after their birth, but they are still alive and almost normal.
you are glowing, though. you can be glad of that.
Isn't it funny that we all complain and can't wait for pregnancy to end, but then eventually dream, beg and even pray to do it again!
What silly creatures we are...
Like I have said - pregnant six YEARS of my life (minus two months). I promise it does end! My favorite was Cara's mom (I thinks that's you) wearing a maternity dress to a '70's party because she was pregnant the entire decade! Same. Love the flowers. :)
Love the photo of Chloe running. What a beautiful morning/afternoon we had. Until it was ruined by poopy pants, eh? Thanks for coming with me and walking slow (seriously) - we got to see lots of good stuff thanks to that giant baby you're carrying. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not funny? Maybe later.
HAAAA! The first picture uploaded before the words appeared, and I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, that doesn't really seem like a Melissa thing to do..." I laughed pretty hard when I read your caption!
I have to echo keeks nd my love for you and sense of humor. I feel for you but i still have to make it all the way through the HOT summer :( Good luck ! and you have beautiful children!
Maybe Buddy's salad dressing will work for you, too. Ask Grandma Shirley to send you some. Also, you totally cut me out of that picture.
Aw, thanks Heidi! I enjoyed being preggers in the summer because it was the only time I didn't care that I looked fat in a bathing suit. I spent the summer at the pool.
Yes, Kenz, I cut you out of that picture. You were looking adorable and I was going for absurd. It just wasn't working. Nicole has the uncropped version. No hard feelings?
Hang in there! You look great!
Wow! You totally crack me up! At least you weren't, like, exposing your belly. Those pictures are just wierd-WHO DOES THESE THINGS???
Since I actually have a picture of the bulge whilst looking enthusiastically at the camera (it was my first - I had no idea what was coming) I thought your contemplation was lovely and you absolutely glowed (I think the glowing might have been mentioned before). Since I just saw a 12 week old giraffe today at the Houston Zoo and read the above mentioned facts I was grateful to be a human mama. Still crazy after all these years though. And good call on cutting the cute Kenzie out of the picture. It was your only defense. Shine on oh pregnant one!
Don't you think 40 weeks is actually TEN months? That's the part that gets me...why nine entire months? It's never going to be over- I promise!
FOR REAL! I was so upset and confused when I realized I was 24 weeks along, but only five months. What the heck kind of fuzzy math is that?!
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