Harrison was on Spring Break this past week, so we went up to Idaho to make some memories. Here are the highlights:
Before we left, we dyed eggs with Jeff.
Once we got to Pocatello, my mom took us to a pet store with a petting zoo (aka THE SCARIEST PLACE, EVER). I can understand being afraid of that emu, but they were also scared of the little puppies sleeping behind glass windows. City kids.
Our obligatory lunch at the GC with Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Curtis went well. Harrison got a chocolate mustache and Grandma said he looked just like Brad Pitt and I needed to take a picture. Maybe Grandma Shirley doesn't know who Brad Pitt is.
My mom made egg shaped rice krispie treats with the kids. They do taste better that way.
We took a stinky drive to Twin Falls to see my friend Liz and her family. The kids practiced being older siblings by alternately stealing Gram's toys and burying him with them.
Since it was wet and cold outside, we had an Easter egg hunt there in the house.
Later Liz and Kyle took us to Shoshone Falls (you know, "The Niagara of the West"?).
After that, we went to a scary bridge over a huge canyon and Harrison climbed a mountain.
It was quite the adventure. Once we got home, my ankles informed me that I would no longer be having any adventures for the duration of my pregnancy. I think I'll put myself on bed rest tomorrow.
Thanks for showing us a good time, Idaho-zians!
9 Wisecracks:
I LOVE Harrison's mustache and his Zoolander face!
Do you have family in Pocatello? I have family there! Maybe they know each other!
I wish I had something witty to say, but I don't. I'm laughing too hard to think of one.
My sister, my bro in law and the cutest nephew EVER!! I am so jealous! So glad you had a fab time with all of them.
You know, I've got to agree with Grandma Shirley. All Harrison needs is some 80's sunglasses and he could totally be Brad Pitt with that chocolate mustache. I'm just sayin'. :)
Cute!! I loved the scared face at the zoo and I too think Harrison looks very dapper in a chocolate mustache.
Inquiring minds want to know what Grandma Shirley brought home in her purse :)
oh man!!! We used to live 5 minutes from the Twin Falls bridge. (in Jerome)
So this post made me home sick. ;(
Happy Easter!!
ohmy! tears streaming down my face. scary emus, lunch at gc, h's mustachio, and idaho-zians
Maybe Grandma is just super current - cause Brad Pitt does have a stache in his latest movie, "Inglourious Basterds". (Don't blame me! That's the name of the movie- spelling and all.) And I can kinda see a resemblence...? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361748/
Awesome! That's all I have to say about that!
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