Having recently given up on this baby coming (and life, in general) I've spent the last few days wearing sweats and going without makeup or doing my hair. Today is my grocery day. I threw on one of Jeff's intramural t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants, and some flip-flops. The only reason I wore makeup was to cover up a zit (which didn't work so much).
So, naturally, when I got to Smith's there was a camera crew in the produce aisle. They asked if they could interview me for a commercial and take some pictures of me. I started to refuse, but they won me over by saying I would get free groceries. I'll do pretty much anything for free groceries. I probably would have done it naked, if they had asked.
I spent ten minutes giving them what they wanted by using phrases like, "It really adds up!" and "brands that I trust" and "convenient for my busy lifestyle." I don't think they'll use any of it, though. The words I was using sounded enthusiastic, but my tone said, "I'm so ready for a nap."
1 month ago
11 Wisecracks:
Did they not notice that you were certainly not in the mood to discuss your favorite melon when you obviously have one inside of you? That you want out? You are so stinkin funny. I LOVE reading your blog. I hope that baby wants to arrive SOON!!
Oh my gosh! I thought you were going to say your water broke in the produce aisle. Fame and fortune (to the tune of free groceries) - is probably the better scenario. For you and the guy with the mop.
Here's hopin' that little one comes soon! We'll be sending good vibes your way!
I was thinking of the LDS Pride and Prejudice when I read this: the scene where Elizabeth and Jane are depressed, wearing sweats and buying loads of ice cream and tampons. :) Just FYI, I guess. Congrats on the free groceries! And I hope that that baby comes soon.
You crack me up!!
I too thought you were going to say your water broke.ha ha!
Hey, I am all about sweat pants and a T-shirt. It makes dressing up THAT much more special when you don't do it every day. ha ha!
Seriously, folks? If my water broke, I wouldn't stop to blog about it before going to the hospital. I'm just quirky that way, I guess.
You wouldn't stop to blog about it? What the heck? I think someone needs to rethink her commitment to her fans.
i wouldn't worry about it, it's a good thing you have a pretty face! no one will even notice what you're wearing silly
Of course this would only happen to you. That is hilarious. I love the way you tell stories.
I'm sorry, I hate those commercials. Especially that one lady who says "I bought water!....... and sugar!..... I saved nine dollars!...... Isn't that amazing?!" And she's grinning so wide her face nearly cracks open. Ugh.
I bet you did a whole lot better than her.
Hope that baby comes soon!
PS: I watched the "Fringe" finale last night. Blown away. BLOWN AWAY.
Oooo! We share a disease- the "every-time-I-go-out-without-makeup-something-crazy-happens" one. That takes the cake.
Free groceries + Smiths + bright lights and cameras = a good time.
Hope you kid pops out soon, but make sure you blog about it before, like on your way to the hospital, or better yet, facebook about it the whole time, like "my water broke", or "I am at a 7, the nurse just came and "checked me", or "I just accidently tongue kissed the doctor that gave me my epidural" or "this 'pushing the baby out' thing really hurts".
kisses to you and your kids and the tiny one inside. Hope it comes out soon!
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