For many reasons (including the fact that we're moving next week and my doctor was going out of town for ten days) I decided to have a scheduled elective induction on the 20th. Therefore, I let everyone in the world know I was having a baby on Wednesday. That morning I called the hospital at my appointed time and was told that all inductions had been cancelled but that they were trying to fit me in because my doctor was going out of town. As we sat by the phone all day waiting for them to call back, I cried a lot and Jeff and I tried to think of ways to show our faces in public ever again.
At 4:30pm. they called us in and we started the joy of labor. Our nurse was delightful and we got the ball rolling and the epidural flowing immediately. At 7pm, Delightful Nurse was replaced by High Strung Nurse and we started watching the American Idol finale. HSN kept panicking about various things and every time she spoke I got the impression that my baby and I were both going to die. Every few minutes she'd stick some new monitor up me. It was as if she had lost her keys and kept rummaging around my uterus hoping to find them.
After a few minor complications (the baby facing up, my epidural coming unhooked, HSN killing me softly with her song) Miles was born at 10:30pm and everyone was fine. My doctor was awesome and I remain an advocate for unnatural childbirth.
I have been thinking all along that once the baby came, things were really going to get hectic. Somehow just the opposite has happened. He's brought a lot of much needed joy into our lives. The kids adore him and so do we.
5 months ago
18 Wisecracks:
I can't get the video to work, something about it being private. I'll just have to imagine that it's 2 minutes of you screaming and pushing with an adorable, bloody baby at the end.
Yikes! It better not be a video of you screaming since it appears to have Bridget and me in it. (No thanks, man. We're just friends, remember?) I'm so glad Miles is bringing the mellow. Can't wait to see him again. During a tired rant last night Bridget said she wanted to see "Baby Miles." Like, right now. :)
I can't see it either. What's up? Wahh!!
Hopefully I fixed it. Try again and let me know if it worked.
I was able to see it. So sweet! One of the opening pictures looked like Miles was smiling at Jeff (which I know is not possible on the day of birth, but it was sweet nevertheless). I know what you mean about High Strung Nurse. I found with Emmett's birth that your nurses are even more important than the doctor at the time of delivery. I was NOT pleased with my second nurse when delivering Emmett.
Yay for baby!
You can send Miles our way if he brings joy and happiness. Somehow I don't think a baby issuing forth from me would accomplish the same thing.
fdh gtgrgggfesgrfv - Catherine says "Yay!"
tdasddfgh.jjjjkkklll' - Miriam says, "Yay!"
i saw it and it was so sweet. tears started coming at the first picture and the first notes sung. it looks like he got your toes on his tiny little feet.
so sweet! I'm glad to hear that he has been peaceful for you. good luck on your move and congrats again!
I had the same experience Allyn did. Little tears right from the beginning and on through the end. Such sweet pictures, and the perfect song to set the mood. Can't wait to see all of you next month! :D
the video was beautiful! we are so so so thrilled for you guys. miles is so lucky to come to you. best wished in St. Louis. :)
You've got a way of making me want another baby, like NOW. He's so precious. LOVED the video.
Congratulations guys! We are so happy that Miles is here safe and healthy and all is well. The video was precious. We miss you! xoxo
Too bad about HSN! Why isn't there a bed-side manner class requirement? But congratulations - he's adorable!!
That was such a beautiful video. Thank you so much for sharing that with all of us. He's just precious.
Melissa.. I welled up and had to try really hard not to bawl. It was wonderful- he is so perfect! Congrats...and noone can top my first nurse who after checking me for hours finally acted all wierd and crazy then finally said "I feel a ball" then she got another nurse who felt my "ball" ( I was thinking a tumor- what?) who immediately got the doctor and who then whisked me away to have a C that was so bad he cut me both ways and I had to have a blood transfusion. :( (Apparently the ball was her bum 'cause she was breech)
Oh Melissa, He is so beautiful. ANd I love the name you guys chose for him. The video was beautiful--I've never heard that version of that song.
Good luck with your move, Melissa!!! We'll be thinking of you.
Oh, don't get me started on nurses!!
Glad you were able to have him on the day you had planned. There is really NOTHING in the world more horrible then not having a baby when you hope to. Really. NOTHING!!
I can't believe he has your toes already. Sounds like everything was nice and easy- unnatural indeed!
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