Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blessing Day

I'm baaaack. We're finally in our new home and I'm connected to the Matrix again. I uploaded a gazillion pictures onto the computer last night. Rather than make this the longest post in history, I'm going to take you on our sentimental journey one moment at a time.

On our last Sunday in Salt Lake, Jeff gave Miles a blessing in church. Only the handsomest of men were allowed to participate.

We loved living near so many family members in Utah. Thanks for joining us on Miles' special day, folks! And thanks, Mom, for the gift of this picture.

I can't believe we're a family of five! What the?

13 Wisecracks:

Jen said...

Mom is telling the kids to look at the exciting camera, no?

Nicole said...

You're right, that photo IS blogtastic! And that's why you never point at the photographer during a family picture.

Btw, it was a lovely blessing.

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Are you related to the couple in the middle of the picture? I recognize them from temple, we seemed to have seen them there a lot. I don't think I've ever actually met or spoken with them, but they have the sweetest countenances. I love seeing them there!

Ashley said...

Do you remember what your mom was saying? I really, really want to know!

Jess said...

Nice to hear from you again! I hope you get used to your new home soon. And being a family of 5. (Who knows... maybe you are already!)

Mom said...

You are in so much trouble! And so is your photographer friend. Jen is right.
Hurry and do some more - we need to know about your trip. Do you think you could get a silly picture of Patti?

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

That family picture is hilarious!!
Your family of five is beautiful!!

Unknown said...

what a great way to spend your last sunday in Utah. I can't wait to hear your reports of St. Louie....

KQ said...

Your mom is crackin' me up! Love her!

kenzie said...

You are cruel; in a funny way. Glad you're back and that you made it to your new home alive. I look forward to more reading of the past month (while I sit on my bum in the hospital).

Heidi said...

what a lovely family! Glad you are all moved and safe.

Annie Jarman said...

Hey, it's not my fault your mom had the wiggles! ;)

Glad you made it safe!

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

LOVE IT!! ( it: your mom's face, the commercial as you are leaving town, you know all of it!)