Saturday, November 14, 2009

Let's Be Honest

Based on your extremely kind responses to my haircut post, I worry that I may have given you the impression that I spend my nights crying into my pillow about how ugly I am. I can assure you all that my self-esteem is perfectly healthy. Sometimes I feel great about myself, sometimes I don't, and sometimes I don't think about it. (That's healthy, right?)

To be honest, for the last seven years I have been living under the delusion that I look exactly like I did when I was 22 years old. In my mind, that's what I look like, so it always surprises me when I see pictures of myself and I look like a 30 year old mother of three. What the WHAT?

But, don't kid yourselves, folks. I was not an attractive kid.

Keep in mind that this is not some candid shot somebody took while I wasn't ready. This was school picture day. This was on purpose. This was me at my best.

I challenge, nay, DARE you to beat it. I declare this a Not-So-Pretty Face-Off. Email me your worst pictures at: and we shall see who the bowzer in the bunch is. (Though I have a feeling I may already be a winner.) Game on!

12 Wisecracks:

wendy holt said...

Game ON sister.. I can TOTALLY beat it.

Unknown said...

I have been living under that same delusion. Having said that, I'm going to be honest and say that actually I still live under that delusion and will probably continue to do so for quite a few more years...

Nicole said...

Did you get a mullet hair cut in the 4th grade and then get school pictures with a wart on your lip? No? You, my friend, are an amateur.

(You'll do a follow-up with the best picture of yourself, right?)

allyn said...

dang. if only i could figure out how to use my printer/scanner/faxer/copier. then i could show you all who plays to win.

Unknown said...

I swear I can beat all of you. Although I am dying to see the mullet hair with the wart. That made me laugh out loud :D

I had rainbow hair in 9th grade because I had decided to dye it blond and then I let the roots grow out and then tried to dye it back to brown and it turned a nice greenish color. The shape of the bangs was also rainbow. I think I am too ashamed to email it to you. LOL. Mom, why did you let me do that?

Well, at least we can all say that despite our awkward years (everyone has 'em) we managed to pull ourselves together in the end and improve quite a bit!! We can be proud of that.

melissa said...

I'll believe it when I see it, liars.

Annie Jarman said...

I used to have glasses like that. Except they were pink plastic. I have some truly hideous, awkward preteen photos, too. I started getting zits in 4th grade, baby. FOURTH grade. Perhaps I'll dig those photos out....

Meredith said...

I feel the same as you when I see pictures of myself. I feel 22, but look my age. It's sad. And I will win this contest, no question. We Taggarts have serious awkward stages.

Jen said...

Does the winner get a prize? I've got this one in the bag. I can probably hook Allyn up, too.

melissa said...

The winner (me) most definitely gets a prize. I love that you can hook Allyn up. Awesome.

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Oh man! this post made me laugh out loud!! (and all of the comments did too.) I will have to pull out my 80's pictures. I followed every 80's trend there, clothes, name it!! (and we all know that the only good thing about the 80's was the music)

Greg said...

I hear people say that a lot, but I really do look the same as I did when I was 22... the reflection is just an elaborate prank with these trick mirrors that make people look older than they are. Any day now Ashton is going to jump out and tell me I'm being punk'd..haha, as if I haven't been onto you for awhile now silly boy! But I'll keep playing along for now
(wink wink)