Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fun for the Whole Family

This past summer my kids participated in our library's summer reading program.  Through the program they both won two tickets to a Cardinals game.  (And that's why we read, folks.)  We finally got to cash those tickets in last night. 

Miles was not happy about being out partying past his bedtime.  He did his impression of a caught fish all night.  Chloe was too tired for fun and, for some reason, had to go to the bathroom three times.  Harrison couldn't get over the disappointment of not getting any snacks at the game.  (We accidently left our treat money in the car.)  I thought taking them to meet Fredbird would save the day.  Harrison thought he was pretty cool but it seems that Chloe has inherited my irrational fear of mascots.  (Why don't they talk?!!  It's just creepy.)  They whined and complained the whole time and we left after five innings.

As we were driving home I asked how they liked the game.  "IT WAS AWESOME!!" they replied.  Hmm.  WAS IT?

Jerry Seinfeld once said, "There is no such thing as fun for the whole family." 

5 Wisecracks:

allyn said...

you are a blogging machine, man! those pictures are hilarious. h.'s face in that one of jeff cheezin'. classic. isn't it wonderful to think you are making such wonderful memories for your kids, but they seem to not see the novelty of it all?

Nicole said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's a good thing you can't hear pictures. If you had just shown the pictures I would have thought it was the best night of everyone's life! Ha!

Jess said...

What a fun reward! I like the Seinfeld quote. It's too true.

wendy holt said...

Good thing you got "free-ish" tickets. We took our kids to Disney World and Bradley hasn't mentioned it since. Yet, the gecko we found at the pool has gotten LOTS of remembrance.

Tammy and Alvin said...

Go Cardinals! Too bad they won't be making the playoffs. If I had just supported them in person as often as you, maybe they would have won enough games.