Friday, November 12, 2010

Toy Indian Story

The kids and I finished reading The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks many weeks ago.  I've been searching my feelings ever since.  I've decided I have no opinion about this book.  It's the story of a boy who gets a cupboard with a magic key for his birthday.  When he places plastic toys in the cupboard and turns the key, the toys come to life.  The book is very British and I had to stop often and explain what many words meant.  Harrison loved the story and spent his days playing cowboys and indians, which I thought was very old school of him.  Chloe listened politely and was pleased a girl showed up at the end of the story.

Miles' favorite toy: Balls!

The movie was released in 1995 and looks it.  There aren't any famous actors in it and the whole time I was watching the actor who played Omri (Hal Scardino) I just kept thinking, "Him?"  The music is really beautiful and at times very intense which made me think something really intense was happening.  Usually, not so much.  Other than the fact that the movie takes place in America, this is a very faithful adaptation of the book.  Both Harrison and Chloe really liked the movie.  We watched the whole thing on YouTube and they have watched it a few more times since. 

His second favorite: Slides!

Right now we're reading Little House on the Prairie and it is taking . . . for . . . ev. . . er.  We could really use a good page-turner for our next book/movie pick.  Help, please!

7 Wisecracks:

Jess said...

I don't know if Harrison would enjoy it, but my favorite books were by Beverly Cleary as a kid. Beezus and Ramona, Henry Huggins, etc. Not real page turners, but very funny. Cole recommends the Redwall books for action.

melissa said...

Thanks! I think the trouble I'm having is that our whole thing is that we read the book and then watch the movie and I'm running out of children's books that have been made into movies. Maybe we should abandon the movie aspect of our club.

Jess said...

Beezus and Ramona just came out with a movie and I think there is a Redwall cartoon. Unless your kids are up to "the Black Cauldron", I think you've hit some of the best kids lit-movies. We'll let you know if we think of more. I look forward to when I do it with my own kids- then I will be consulting you for a list.

wendy holt said...

Bradley's favorite part of the movie, (that wasn't in the book) was when Omri put Darth Vader and a T-rex in the cupboard. We had to watch it multiple times. Also, I saw a book called "100 cupboards" and I think they are making it into a movie. or I could have made that up.

Uno Kidney said...

I was going to say beezus and Ramona too. The mouse and the motorcycle. The roald dahl books? The witches, (couldn't be more hilarious) Matilda ( cool book about a little girl with magic powers). The bridge of terabithia ( cried my eyes out. Maybe not yet?) the spiderwick chronicles. ( not sure about the ages for this) a wrinkle in time (I think the movie is old. Saw it on netflix instant watch. And now I'm out of ideas. I'll keep thinking.

melissa said...

Wow, thanks! James and the Giant Peach kind of soured me on Roald Dahl books, but I think I should give him another chance. I was all set to get Bridge of Terabithia and Jeff said, "No way, dude." (Or something like that.) I've never read it, so I just took his word for it. Good stuff, ya'll.

Heidi said...

I loved Matilda as a kid and other roald dahl books.and the mouse and the motorcycle series is good too. Yea the kid in bridge to terabithia dies btw