On Sunday my sister Nicole had the family over for dinner. This was especially generous of her because her life has been pretty Crazytown lately. She and her husband have a sick four year old and newborn twins to take care of right now. I've got a great idea: Let's have a party!

A Baby Holding Pary, that is. Good thing there are two of them!
We spent a few hours going through Grandpa's photo albums. Mom said we were welcome to take any pictures we wanted. I imagine him looking down from heaven and swearing a lot as we desecrated his photo albums. Then I thought about why he took all of those pictures in the first place. Did he take a million pictures of my eighth birthday so he could remember it, or so that I could? Probably both. Anyway, the whole experience of going through his albums was like one big treasure hunt. (There was also a lot of running interference so that no one else would have blackmail pictures of my awkward years.) I've mentioned before that I don't have baby pictures of myself. Grandpa had many. I nearly cried every time I found one. My family and I spent hours saying, "Here's a great one of you!" and "I remember this trip!" and "Who does that to a child's hair?" It was one big lovefest. Thanks, Grandpa. I promise to keep them organized in an album of my own just like you would.
Here we are with my parents on Grandma and Grandpa's front porch. I'm the baby and standing are (L-R) Nicole, Allyn, Katy, and Jen.
We haven't changed a bit, have we? Back row: Claire, Makenzie, and Jen. Front row: Allyn, Melissa, Katy, and Nicole.
5 Wisecracks:
Kind of ironic that just this morning I found a picture in Candy's photo albums of Grannie Bessie holding you as a baby. Candy was wondering if any of you saw her wedding pictures in the albums, since your grandpa took her pictures.
Anyway, it was nice to see you all in person,even though the circumstances were sad. Lets meet up again in happier circumstances. :)
All those pictures of people holding babies makes it seem like there are a dozen of them here. Sometimes it seems like it in real life, too...
I LOVED having you guys at my house! I don't care what is going on in my life, my sisters are always a pleasure.
Jess, no way! Was the picture you saw in color? We WANTS it. I didn't see any pictures of Don and Candace at their wedding.
Nicole, thank you so much for having us over. It was lovely. You are Superwoman.
I love that picture of you and Kenzie holding the babies and then you see like a million bottles in the background. ha! Poor Nicole. She must never stop making bottles.
Not in color. Black and white. Candy actually has some other family history pictures you guys may want to check out. Not a ton, but some.
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