Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Haters: Beware.

The other day I was teaching the little kids at church some new songs about Spring.  I asked, "Don't you just love Spring?"  The little darlings started grumbling about all of the things they don't like about Spring.  Seriously?!  Spring Haters?!  How is that possible?  That's like hating puppies and sunsets and free drinks.  Yesterday I took Chloe and Miles to the Botanical Gardens.  Spring haters beware.

They spent most of their time in this "general store."  Chloe put on an apron and declared herself bossypants of the general store.  She took her sorting job very seriously and then put Miles to work.

Hey, Miles, remember that time we had broccoli for dinner and I kept begging you to eat it and you kept telling me "No!"  then we went to the Botanical Gardens the next day and you kept trying to eat the fake broccoli and I kept telling you "No!"?  That was awesome.
Let's play "I Spy".  Find: a ridiculously large hat, a nerdy kid, and a brother and sister who won't sit close to each other.

Silly Spring Haters. 

11 Wisecracks:

wendy holt said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as a spring hater! Maybe we should start a foundation to bring awareness to this dibilitating condition. loverly pictures as always. p.s. your anti-spam word today is "cracking" I am going to use it in a sentence today to unsuspecting people.

Tammy and Alvin said...

I think you should get a job writing captions for pictures in a magazine or something. You're funny! :)

Jess said...

Your Spring pictures are gorgeous. Makes me hopeful we'll actually see that around here sometime soon. I had no idea there were people who hated Spring aside from allergy peoples. Weird Primary kids.

Patti said...

I'm an allergy person and I LOVE spring, especially at the Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. WOW! It made me happy. Cute kids too.

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

ha ha! I love the big hat and nerdy kid picture. Hilarious!
These pictures are AMAZING!!

Nicole said...

Kids who hate Spring?! No way. I'm glad Chloe and Miles weren't haters because Spring looks good on them.

Thanks for posting the Where's Waldo photo. I love that kind of stuff. :)

KQ said...

I do not hate spring, and I most certainly do not hate your gorgeous spring pictures. :)

allyn said...

who could hate two weeks of glorious flowers and sunshine? who could hate beautiful children enjoying such glory? so glad you are apparently out of the winter storm paths. and thanks for the gorgeous pictures.

Christine said...

The look on your face in primary when those kids starting saying all the things they hated about spring was priceless! And you were right to tell them you didn't want to hear from spring haters! I've got crazy spring allergies, and I LOVE spring!

Katy said...

Thanks for the beautiful pictures of beautiful flowers and beautiful children. I can't believe how blue Miles' eyes are!

Meredith said...

I think Chloe looks cuter in little mary janes than anyone else. Ever.