Friday, May 13, 2011

Call the Waaambulance

Sometimes I get really bummed that I don't have a DSLR camera like the rest of the world.  I try to make myself feel better by saying things like, "They're so heavy.  I wouldn't want to carry that around with me all the time." or "I would probably have to take a class just to figure out how to use it."  or "There's really no need to own one if I'm not going to be a professional."  But mostly I'm lying to myself and I think food would taste better if I owned a DSLR camera.  Then, occasionally, my point and shoot surprises me with it's awesomeness and I feel better for a while.  Have a pretty weekend!

11 Wisecracks:

Annie Jarman said...

Your photos are always gorgeous, which is proof positive that it is the person using the camera and not the camera itself that makes for good photos. The camera is only a tool. And you're right, DSLRs are a pain in the you know what to haul around. I often wish I had a smaller point and shoot when I see friends whip their's out and snap away while I have to fiddle with a settings and camera straps and lens covers and yada yada yada.

Even so, I hope someday you get to upgrade because what is already gorgeous from your camera will be even more so. :)

One more thing, about not needing one because you aren't a "professional": photography is mostly a hobby or a creative passion. You wouldn't tell someone who loves to paint that they should only use Crayola watercolors because they aren't making a buck off their paintings, would you?

OK, I'm done now. :)

Jess said...

Your photos are always gorgeous, which makes me surprised that you don't use a fancy-pants camera. But I can understand wanting to get the fancy equipment. The girl who took Gene and Mirne's wedding pictures would just do weddings every now and then to be able to get fancy camera equipment to keep up the hobby.

wendy holt said...

That picture is awesome!!

Jen said...

I agree- it's the photographer, not the camera. I do think that you have given plenty of advance notice in case someone is looking for birthday ideas....

KQ said...

I could have written that post. But I don't take pictures like that, and we have the same camera. You're awesome.

Nicole said...

Have we talked about this? Because I feel like you've read my mind about DSLRs. This photo is so dreamy and beautiful. Nice work. QUALITY work. :)

melissa said...

Yes, we have had this conversation. We've also talked about how annoying it is when someone with little to no interest in photography buys a DSLR because they hear it's "a good camera," and then never uses it. Boooo hoooooo.

elizabeth said...

I thought you had a DSLR from the pictures you take. I NEED a DSLR too. My friend suggested that if I only donated plasma 13 times and was paid $100 each time I could easily save the money. I don't think you're paid that much, otherwise I would totally do it.

melissa said...

Your friend sounds Crazytown. I don't think you should do that.

Ashley said...

Yeah, wicked awesome! Love it. Ha ha, crazytown. Is this a Lee girl phrase? I'm not sure, but lately I walk around thinking to myself "I am the mayor of crazytown!!!"

Meredith said...

Amazing picture!