Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lazy Daze

We haven't had much going on lately.  Hence the lack of fascinating blog posts.  Being alone for seven hours a day is quickly losing its charm, but I'm sure my schedule will fill up soon.  (Oprah says I just have to visualize it to make it happen.)  The kids are LOVING their new school.  The other day I decided we could set aside baths and homework long enough to play at the park for a bit.  Mostly because the light was perfect for photos.  Priorities, ya'll.

For the record: I did not ask him to make any of these faces or wear that sweet headband.

Sometimes it's nice to take a break.  

I do it every day for seven hours.  I so need a new hobby.

6 Wisecracks:

HJ Maxwell said...

Seriously, though, never worry about having too little to do. It always takes care of itself. And don't tell anyone, or they will take care of it for you.

melissa said...

Thanks, Pops. :)

Patti said...

The light WAS perfect, and the kids adorably cute. I concur with Pops. Enjoy this window of free time. They come along so infrequently.

Unknown said...

I don't know if it's Miles hair cut or what, but I swear he grew several years in the past three months. He looks so old!

Nicole said...

You have the wisest in-laws. This might be the calm before another storm, so be at peace! And call me during my hour and a half of no kids every Tuesday and Thursday. :)

allyn said...

I was thinking I would suggest that you could take beautiful pictures of other beautiful children in perfect light during your 7 hours of freedom, but then I read the wise counsel from your fil and decided I should not.