Last week I went apartment hunting in Salt Lake City. Here are the highlights:
1.Taking nothing but a purse on the plane. 2.Spending time with my sister, Nicole, and my niece, Bridget (below).
3.Meeting my nephew, Gabriel (Makenzie's son). 4.Visiting my Grandpa Furniss.
5. Finding a great townhome with this view.
6. Mom making my brother, Aaron, a seperate casserole without eggs.
7. Lunch with the girls (and Gabriel) at "Dear Lizzie."
8. Playing Guitar Hero with my brother, Aaron.
During my three hour layover in Denver on the way home, I saw a young girl with a doll in a baby bjorn strapped to her belly. She even had a blanket over the doll as if it were sleeping. Hilarious. I love that taking a baby on a plane sounded like so much fun that she was actually playing at it. Maybe when she gets home she could take the baby bra shopping, then to church, and finish it up with dinner at a fine dining restaurant.
1 month ago
11 Wisecracks:
Hilarious! I always laugh at something on your blog. It is great.
So what are the results of your hunting trip? Did you get the townhouse with the view? Where is it located?
Was the trip a sucess?? Did you find a good place? LOVE the view by the way!
And I would love to hear more of this fantasy world where you travel on an airplane with only a purse?!?! How extraordinary!! I mean, were there diapers, wipes, juice boxes, stale cheerios and smashed fruit snacks in that purse? I'm so confused! You must have one of those Mary Poppins purses...that explains it!HA!
oops, sorry that was me above.
Sadly, the young girl would not experience the true JOY of going to those places with ust a doll baby. I think that is the best view I've ever seen from a townhouse window!
I hope you found a good place if not the townhouse with the great view. And I am glad you are now a baseball fan. I love it! though i am a Braves fan. Baseball was definitely the best choice. haha
Yea and how awesome was the flight with just a purse?!?!?
I love an illustrated story! Thanks for including the individual casserole for Aaron. AND it was in a star-shaped dish. Remember the old days when the dinner theme was "JUST EAT IT!"? Good times.
It was a pleasure to have you here. :) Bridget asked me several times on Thursday, "Where did Lissa go?"
We did get the townhouse with a view and it's in Salt Lake near the hospital, so we can be glad of that.
The reason I could take just a purse was because I was sans children. Jeff is done with school, so it was my turn to take a trip. Thanks, Jeff!
Melissa - we just bought a place downtown, a little closer to the U than our current place. I wonder how close we'll be to each other?!
Melissa, please don't leave me here all alone! Maybe that little girl could go to the DMV after she gets done bra shopping.
I think I need to do one of those trips here soon. Just a purse on the plane! Wow.
I am freaking out about the separate casserole!
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