(Photos of my new haircut taken by Harrison.)
Well, we've been here for over two weeks and I'm ready to call it: moving sucks big time. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to be here and we've had some delightful experiences, but moving is not fun. I've been trying to figure out what it is that makes it so awful. I've decided it's the waiting. Waiting for Jeff to start his new job. Waiting for him to get a paycheck so we can furnish our new townhouse. Waiting to build relationships of trust so I can have a Utah BFF. Waiting for Harrison to start school so he'll stop going INSANE with boredom. Waiting for Chloe to make friends so she won't be so sick of Harrison that she screams every time she sees him. Much like Indigo Montoya, I hate waiting.
I thought I mastered patience when I was pregnant twice. I had checked that virtue off my list of things to do. It turns out, I still have a few more lessons to learn. I just haven't figured out how to beat the boredom without eating food or spending money. Help! What I really need is a fun book to read. (Thanks for the pick-me-up "Atonement" and "Jane Eyre.") If you know of any books I might enjoy, let me know. Winner gets a cookie.
Here's a rare interview with my recently displaced children:
5 months ago
20 Wisecracks:
Looking good Potiphar's wife!
If you are looking for a creative, yet fun read - might I suggest reading The Sisters Grimm line of books. There are 5-6 books so far, they are fairly quick but funny and creative.
Love the haircut!
As for good reads, do you like fluffy mysteries? Jill Churchill writes really mindless stuff that I actually enjoy. As for a better written, but still light-hearted read, I love "Raney" by Clyde Edgerton.
your hair looks very chic. your photographer really knows how to capture your emotions.
a really good book that will keep you occupied and engrossed, i found, was war and peace. once you get passed the first 100 pages you really start to fly through it. i loved it!
Yay for bangs! You look adorable. I'm going to secretly keep track of the responses on the book to read because I am jonesing for something too.
I love that you suggested "War and Peace" as a "fun" read, Allyn. No cookie, for you.
These is my Words by Nancy Turner is my new favorite book. I loved it so much I had to promise not to read it until naptime, bedtime, and bath time so as not to ignore my children. There's also a sequel called Sarah's Quilt which is great too. Author Nancy Turner. I love your hair!
By the way, I am SO winning that cookie.
It is VERY lovely hair!! Nice Photos Harrison!! Have you already read the Stephanie Meyer series? You probably have, but I really like cookies so I thought I would try. I am reading the HOST by her right now and am enjoying it too. It's really a book about humanity...pretty interesting and suspenseful. Good luck with all of the waiting! To quote Tom Petty "The waiting is the hardest part." hehehehe - profound, I know!
Ok, that interview was dang cute and hilarious. Keep the interviews coming, that will help pass the time!
I hate to say it since I know you don't want to hear it, but you should read the Twilight series. It will totally make you think of other things, whether it be that you think the story is lame or that you love it!
your hair looks good!
Honestly, I'm so desperate that I almost bought a Stephanie Myers book the other day. (My one and only New Year's resolution was to not read her books. Just because.) Luckily, my darling husband saved the day and bought me the latest David Sedaris book. Yay!
Adding another book that I saw at Barnes and Noble the other day-
"Three Bags Full." It's a murder mystery- a shepherd is murdered and his sheep "of above average intelligence," led by the intrepid ewe Miss Maple, solve his murder. Sheep detectives! It seems worth the read for sheer novelty.
I tried to read Atonement. I really did. Then I wanted to flush it down the toilet. So I started reading Cold Mountain. Wow. Another depressing tale, but actually well written...If you want fluff and funny (hilarious, really) Janet Evanovich writes some good tales about being a female Bounty Hunter in New Jersey (not like Dog the Bournty Hunter) or a really good book that I keep meaning to send you (because I know you like maps) is a Non Fiction book called The Island of Lost Maps about the ever exciting Map Black Market. I think you would like it....
PS YOur hair is CUTE and your kids....
The first thought as I logged on the blog (catchy phrase!) was "Whoa! Nice hair!" May I suggest "The Know-it-all: One Man's Quest to Read the Encyclopedia Britannica". Very funny, and informative too. You learn all sorts of stuff you never even knew existed. You can bring my cookie with you when you come to the beach. (Sorry Meredith) I also agree with Liz. Keep the videos streamin"! Those kids are adorable! :D
When I watched that video it was like watching a little Jeff and little Melissa. Its like you guys have created mini-me versions of yourself. As for books, I read "The Househusband" by Ad Hudler and found it to be amusing. Not sure that it will change your life, but it may be a good distraction for a bit.
Heather Crenshaw told me to tell you that "New Year's resolutions are meant to be broken." And that "You didn't make a New Year's resolution not to read the Host" and that "If you do keep your New Year's resolution then next year you have to make a New Year's resolution to read them." hehehe :)
Tell Heather Crenshaw that she is not the boss of me and my New Year's Resolution for 2009 will be to not do anything that Heather Crenshaw tells me to do. So there!
Well, Heather Crenshaw said that since it is not 2009 yet and you can still do what she says and since you won't read the Twighlight series then she recomments reading "The Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale.
I love your hair! I have not book recommendations. I don't read-just kidding, I do.
Hey Melissa,
I was just taking a look at your blog (I'm trying to put together a little directory for the new interns, and Jeff included your blog address when he gave me your contact info). Anyways, I know how you feel -- waiting around to make some friends and start feeling like I fit in here and have something to do other than the ongoing routine of feeding, changing, entertaining, disciplining, and putting children to sleep. (But you did post this almost a month ago, so maybe by now you have a new social life, lots of new friends, and you've figured out all the fun, inexpensive things that Salt Lake has to offer). If not, I'd love to get together sometime. My kids can always use playmates, and I could use someone older than a 4 year old to talk to in the daytime once in a while. My number is 967-9974 and my e-mail is stephanielbradshaw@gmail.com, if you ever want to get together.
Stephanie Bradshaw (Michael's wife, from Jeff's work)
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