Harrison started t-ball this week. (We're hoping he can try every sport by the time he's six and get it all out of his system now.) Monday was his first game with the Tigers and we were surprised to find out that every kid in his class at church is on his team. Bonus!
(Above: Cameron, Harrison, and Scottie debate whether they want a pitcher or a belly-itcher.)
He did a good job of hitting the ball and running to first base. But once he got to first and the next batter hit the ball, Harrison ran in the general direction of the playground.
T-ball is a lot slower-paced than soccer and Harrison got bored with it pretty quickly. I think he'll learn a little bit more about team work this way.
5 weeks ago
1 Wisecracks:
How we all miss Harrison. The preschool girls(sophie, syrena, rylee) had a "we miss Harrison" moment today at Krisi's pool (before the near-death experience).
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