(That's what my license plate says.)
Yesterday we had our first big snowfall. (You may recall that our last snowfall melted by Noon.) It's made everything absolutely beautiful! Snow and I haven't had a lot of face time over the past 17 years, so we made the most of yesterday. Jeff stayed home from work to watch the snow fall. That's how mesmerising it was for us. (Also, work shmerk.) We made a little snowman, had a snowball fight, and came inside to drink hot cocoa. The mountains are really incredible when they're covered in snow. This is the part we've been waiting for. I heart you, snow!
Here Chloe tries to catch snowflakes on her tongue.
She's my little snow princess./em>
These are the least blurry pictures I could get of Jeff and Harrison because I was dodging snowballs the whole time.
Notice the little pond in the background of this picture? That's the water fountain in our front yard. This morning Harrison decided to try and go ice skating on it. Needless to say, it wasn't frozen all the way through and George Bailey had to come and rescue him. (Not really. He stepped six inches into it and realized what a stupid thing he'd done.) Pretty scary stuff. And where was his mother the whole time? Geez!
P.S. Since so many of you asked, I'm due May 24th and feeling just great now that my first trimester is over. Thanks for your congratulations!
5 weeks ago
11 Wisecracks:
Ah jeez, you had to make me go and be homesick. :) Emmett keeps talking about snow. I'll have to show him your pictures and call it good.
Glad you're feeling better. :)
VERY EXCITING! snow would definitely be the most wonderful thing in town if it happened here. which i don't think it does.
the colors on chloe's fleece are very flattering on her. and jeff's shadow makes him look tough. snow looks good on the maxwell's.
I would like very much to know how Jeff can not go to work. Is he on a nice service this month? That would be awesome if he could teach Ricky how to get out of a day of terribleness. I'll ask you in March if you still like snow. It's in the mid-high seventies here and I LOVE it! Yay for babies - you are a better woman than I am.
He's been on Radiology for the past few weeks. It's been awesome! Monday he starts on Medicine again and it's back to "Daddy, where do you live?"
Knowing that we'll only get to enjoy the snow for a year is what I'm hoping will sustain my love for snow. :)
I am so glad you finally announced it. It has been hard to keep it a secret! Such good news!
It is beautiful, isn't it? Sigh. I had hot cocoa for breakfast and watched it fall. When it's doing this in March I will be shaking my fists and swearing up a storm...
Why didn't we get any? We had rain, wind and cold for two days, but no snow except on the mountains (which are beautiful, by the way). Hope we get some for Christmas! Glad you're enjoying it!
Good due date. That is Travis' birthday, and he's a twin. I'm just sayin'...
i'd love some snow around here but I'm not holdin my breath. chloe does look so cute in her picture.
Chloe is so darn adorable!! Those are such great pictures of her!!
What a fun day for you guys. Your family is so cute!!
WHAO BABY!!! Congrats!
I mean if it's gunna be icky cold, it should snow as a consolation! Hate being cold, Luuurve the snow!! JEALOUS!!
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