To celebrate Chloe's 3rd birthday, we decided to spend three days in Pocatello this past weekend. You know what that means . . .
. . . eating at the Golden Corrall with my Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Curtis. The waitresses decided to wish Chloe happy birthday "the Golden Corrall Way." She stared at the brownie sundae they gave her for about five minutes until I asked her what was wrong. She said, "I was going to have a PANDA CAKE." I guess she was worried that I hadn't heard her daily requests for the past month.
Mom and I collaborated on Chloe's Dream Come True Panda Cake.
Here she is telling Grandma Maxwell about her panda party.
She added a new panda ("Bamboo Pup") and Care Bear ("Oopsie Bear") to her entourage.
AND she got to enjoy the Lee Family Birthday Song with Grandma and Grandpa Lee.
6 months ago
13 Wisecracks:
Video not available! Video not available! Happy Birthday Chloe! I hope you had a lovely visit at the Golden Corral. I find the tradition hilarious.
Yeah, I don't know why the video isn't working. I even re-published it. I guess I'll just try again later, like the screen said.
My kids are crazy about Golden Corral! Earlier this year both kids had to fill out a survey for Primary and list their top 5 favorite places. GC was on the top of both of their lists. Pretty funny (and sad)!
Both kids were sad when they learned there are no CGs near where we'll be living in the northeast when we move this weekend, so we're going on Friday for one last hurrah!
le sigh. it all sounds just so wonderful. someday she'll look around and wonder why she has so many pandas in her room.
chloe is the best!!! hb
Happy late birthday Chloe! That cake is so cute! I want a birthday weekend- maybe I should try to find a golden corral so I can get a brownie sundae... well, I have a while to find one in that case.
Did part of the celebration take place in the Heaven On Earth Playland outside JC Penney in the mall? Suddenly I want to play a game of Solitaire to pass the time...
Where's the video? It was perhaps our best rendition of "Has anyone here had a birthday." Buy it or rent it and PLAY it.
Ha! Great picture, Dad! Happy Panda Day, Chloe- sorry we're taking a sabbatical from birthday cards this year. Doesn't mean we don't love ya...
I had video! That really is a blast from the past, that birthday song. And it was a very lovely performance. That panda cake was marvelous! Good job cake makers and decorators! Yay for panda parties! :D
that is just the CUTEST thing I have ever seen! She was so patient while you all sang the songs and the look on her face was priceless. I'm glad I could be a witness (in a cyberspace kind of way...)
And the panda cake is AMAZING!!! What a great mom you are.
Happy birthday Chloe! And I want a pair of those awesome silver shoes she's wearing in the picture at the Corral...
I can't believe she sat so patiently while you guys sang that extremely long birthday song. ha ha! What a good little girl!!
she is too cute! happy #3 chloe!
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