Thursday night Harrison had his first piano recital. Though he was unpleasantly surprised to find out that he had to wear church clothes to the event, I was able to talk him down from that ledge and convince him to go anyway. Look how proud he is!

Nicole even let me sing a Christmas song for the crowd. Halfway through my number, Chloe came up to tell me what a great job I was doing. Thanks, kid.
Later that night, I spent a few hours in the ER passing a kidney stone. So . . . you know . . . big night.
14 Wisecracks:
Woah - So unfair for a pregnant woman to have to pass a kidney stone. Don't they know what you'll be going through in a few months? Hello!
Darling video of Harrison!! :)
Unfortunately, we can't get the video to work. Who made that amazing Quidditch stadium on the sidebar of your blog?
Heather said what I was going to say. BIG night!
Good job to Harrison for his piano recital. I have another pregnant friend who just suffered with kidney stones- not fun! Hope you feel better.
Wow! That sounds fun!
Oh no! I'm so sorry about your stone! Hope you're feeling better!
Did you get to name your stone?
Okay, from what I have heard, passing a stone is like having a baby. Are you okay?!! That is a HORRIBLE thing to have to go through when you are most likely already dreading what is yet to come with having a baby!!
Harrison did an awesome job!!! When did you start having him learn? I hear 5-7 is a good that right?
ohhhhhhh maaaannnn....that is too bad about the kidney stone, Melissa. My heart goes out to you.
And Harrison is way better than my girls on the piano. Now I am going to make them practice two hours a day.
The Quidditch field was one of the many gingerbread houses we saw at a huge gingerbread display in Pocatello.
I hadn't thought of naming it, but I will now refer to it as Kidney Stone Phillips.
It was more painful than labor, but that could be because I wasn't given any drugs for the pain until it had passed.
My mom always started us with piano lessons when we started kindergarten.
harrison rocked "ode to joy"! adam plays that song about 5,000000000000 times a day. it was wonderful while we were at the allred's...notsomuch.
perhaps you could put kidneystonephilips on a key chain.
Congrats to Harrison! I am totally impressed. I especially like the way he looked over at you (and straight to camera) after each song.
And the kidney stone. Yikes. Why won't they give you drugs to pass those? Seems like a mean doctor trick. Anyway, hope you're feeling better!
Wow! You really did write about your kidney stone! I thought you were kidding. Silly me! Harrison was brilliant! I found myself spontaneously clapping after each number. Bravo! :D
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