Thursday, January 8, 2009

You know, just in case.

Chloe spent the day putting pretend shooting stars in my pocket to save "fo a wainy day."

Last night at dinner, Harrison asked, "Daddy, will you tell me some bad words?"

7 Wisecracks:

Mom said...

Does Jeff know any bad words? I recommend not giving Harrison anything to work with! So funny! And Chloe is so sweet!

Lindsay said...

Ha! I can just imagine Jeff's face!

Jess said...

Your kids say the cutest things! (In response to both this post and the Star Wars one) Have Chloe send some shooting stars my way.

kenzie said...

I hope Jeff taught him fake bad words. That would be funny.

Ashley said...

They are a riot! I love hearing (er...reading) what comes out of their mouths. Always makes me laugh.

Ted said...

Aeli keeps running around saying the F-bomb. I think she's trying to say frog......

Let's not get these guys together too soon....

Claire said...

How did Chloe get the idea about the shooting stars? That's really cute! And Harrison...I just can't believe he even asked Jeff that, it really is hilarious!!