Harrison had his Spring piano recital last night. He's been looking forward to it ever since his teacher, Aunt Nicole, told him that he would get a trophy at the recital if he finished his primer books.

Nicole had each of the kids pick two songs and at least one had to be from a movie. Harrison chose This Old Man and the Star Wars main theme. (Five other boys also chose the Star Wars theme.)

Nicole made the recital interactive by having the audience write in on their programs what movie each song came from. This was a lot harder than it sounds. Listening to kids play movie music is like playing Mad Gab. I sat there thinking, "It sounds like something, I just don't know what." The winners got a sweet prize. Mom and I combined my useless knowledge of Disney movie music with her useful knowledge of operas and schooled the whole room. Aw, yeah!
Afterwards, my parents took us out for ice cream where Harrison chose the bluest ice cream ever made. (I hope those stains come out.)

Here he is playing his songs. Note: He had both songs memorized, but his lame-o mother thought he was playing one song as a duet so she told him to take the music up with him.
8 Wisecracks:
I rock at Mad Gab- love it! Love Harrison! Love that cool white piano!
I feel so bad that he thought it was going to be a duet! I was sitting to his right and he kept looking at me, but they all do that so I thought he just needed reassurance. Rats! He did so well. :)
I'm glad you won, too! Yay!
Sometimes it takes me halfway through one of Emmett's "songs" to realize what he is playing. He would certainly make an interesting "Name that Tune" game. :) Way to go, Harrison, for memorizing those songs!
wow! he is good!!
Must have a really good teacher!! :)
(and some of that lee blood going on)
Oh Man! Harrison was so AWESOME. He totally deserved the blue ice cream. What was your sweet prize?!?!
he blasted star wars out of the water. banks totally recognized it, too. blue ice-cream!
aww, I miss all of your family...
I love the innovative piano recital ideas!! Prizes! Mad Gab!
Wow! Nice cross overs! Super rhthym! Great stage presence! Nicole is fab, and so is Harrison! :D
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