Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harrison's Birthday . . . Again.

Harrison turned six last Wednesday. As I suspected, he completely forgot about his birthday party two months ago and I ended up having to make a big deal out of his actual birthday. But why not? He's not going to be young forever. I was reminded of this as I was searching for a baby picture of him to put on this post. Here's one of my favorites:
He always looked like an old man.

When I see him as a baby I think of how clueless we were as parents. I pity the fool who's born first in any family. I'm sure being our first pancake hasn't been easy for him. I hope he doesn't end up too burned. One thing's for sure: he's growing up way too fast. Here he is just yesterday:

[He's singing Happy Birthday to his cousin, Emmi, but you can pretend he's singing "M-E."]

8 Wisecracks:

Mom said...

Happy Birthday to Harrison! I'm still crying at the song - he's been such a good singer right from the start. What a cutie!

Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday to Harrison!

I remember the day he was born. And we went to visit you guys in the hospital. And then as we were leaving Ricky's all like, "Soooo, we could have a baby...."

But cleaning your bathroom was totally fun.

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Man! I am coming your way when my birthday rolls around. (or maybe I should come a month early and THEN on the actual day. hee hee!)
That cake looks soooo yummy!!!
Happy birthday Harrison!!!

Jen said...

I love Chloe in that video. Yes, pity! Pity for the oldest children around the world. Pass it on.

allyn said...

happy birthday harrison and tell your sister she is growing backwards.

(he likes to type his name. anywhere. anytime.)

kenzie said...

I just cried. They do grow up too fast.

Jess said...

So fun to see that video. Especially Chloe's dancing/wiggling in the background. I'm the oldest kid also, so I can sympathize with oldest kids everywhere. Looks like Harrison is doing great though!

Katy said...

Too Too Cute! And your baby can smile-genius. Chloe in the video is awesome.