Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Raindrops on Roses and Fat Babies in the Sink

These are a few of my favorite things.  Actually, raindrops on roses don't do a whole lot for me.  Fat babies in the sink, on the other hand . . .

A couple of weeks ago Harrison asked me to sing him a bedtime song.  For no particular reason, I started singing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music.  Both he and Chloe now demand that we sing it every night before bedtime.  (Except tonight when they were being obnoxious so we sent them to bed without any love.  But usually we spend an hour telling each other how much we love each other and singing happy songs.  What?  Doesn't everyone?)  The Sound of Music was on t.v. Sunday night and I remembered to Tivo it a half hour after it had started.  We missed the scene where they sing it in the bedroom so the only version the kids heard is the "Why don't I feel bettah?" version.  They thought it was a bit of a downer.

6 Wisecracks:

Patti said...

Bummer about the downer movie clip, but total thumbs up to fat babies in the sink. I alarmed the entire house last nigt when I did my SO CUTE scream. SOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!! :D

Heather McKeon said...

Adorable! I must now go home immediately and give Abby a bath in the sink. Although she's a bit on the skinny side so it may not be as cute... Also have to add that I have a friend whose mom always stopped that movie right after the wedding and said "the end" so she was in her 20s before she knew how it really ended!

melissa said...

Ha! Chloe totally thought it was over after the wedding! (You know, since that's how all the Disney Princess movies end.)

KQ said...

Where do we sign up to get a fat baby in a sink? I need to get on that list immediately.

wendy holt said...

Totally cute, however, I think Alison has Miles beat in the cheek department. and wait...Do you have tivo again???

Unknown said...

Oh man, I love some fat babies in the sink too. And that my friend is a really really cute fat baby!