Sunday, December 27, 2009

Resolve THIS!

We had a very nice Christmas this past week and I hope that yours was equally merry.  I was thinking today that I really ought to come up with some New Year's resolutions because that is what people do and I'm a people person.  I remembered that I had a few goals for 2009 that I posted back in January and I was wondering if I was able to achieve them.  As you are a reader of this blog, I'm sure you were wondering the same thing.  (Twins!)  Here's the skinny on my 2009 hopes and dreams:

(Harrison playing us a Christmas ditty on his drink straw.)

1. My first goal was to find a vegetable Harrison would eat.  He now eats carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes without too many tears.  He loves "golden whole kernel corn" but my husband thinks this doesn't count as a vegetable as it is technically a grain.  I think my husband ought to let me have this victory.

2.  My second goal was to figure out a way to stick it to Walmart.  I decided that Allyn was right--the only way to stick it to them is to not shop there.  I've been to Walmart a total of 5 times this entire year.  It's made me a more creative and thrifty shopper and a happier person all around.  Every time we pass that great and spacious building, the kids ask in a pathetic wimper, "Mommy, are you ever going to go to Walmart again?"  Not if I can help it, kids.

(Baby's first Christmas!)

3. My third goal was to talk myself into breastfeeding again.  This didn't go so well.  Between the stress of having a new baby and the stress of moving, my body wasn't up to the challenge.  I nursed a sad Miles for one month before I threw in the towel.  We're both happier and healthier.  Nursing is for suckers.  (See what I did there?)

(The boys team up to battle the Lego Dark Side.)

4. My fourth goal was to find a new laundry folding show since Dawson's Creek reruns went off the air.  Jeff does the laundry every Saturday night and I find that Monday night t.v. is the perfect line-up for laundry folding.  (How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, House, and Tivo'd Desperate Housewives.)  Remember when our t.v. died?  (You know, "The Dark Times"?)  I found that I physically couldn't fold laundry without watching t.v.  Is it just me?

(Chloe rides around on her new scooter while wearing her new Belle dress over her pj's.  All. Day. Long.)
5. Exercise.  See, the problem with that goal was it is way too vague.  This year I have a plan.  Jeff's parents gave us a rowing machine for Christmas and I have created the ultimate workout playlist for my iPod.  Nothing can stop me now.

6. Read more books.  Again, vague.  More than what?  As the Mad Hatter says, "You can always have more than nothing."  In that spirit I would say I read more books.  Go me.

You'll be happy to know that I also replaced the ink cartridge in my printer.  Off I go to make some vague goals for 2010 that I will surely convince myself I have achieved by 2011.

Happy New Year!

11 Wisecracks:

Nicole said...

You are not the only one who cannot fold laundry without having a show to watch at the same time. During rerun season my laundry sits in the basket at the foot of my bed.

Hey - weren't you going to be more whimsical in 2009? Or was that 2008... You were definitely whimsical in 2008.

wendy holt said...

I am sure glad that Walmart got stuck it by you! That intends to be my goal this year as I have hated myself too many times as I leave that place. But then again, I have also felt way better about myself as I leave that place. Now can we stick it to Shop 'n Save?

KQ said...

Congratulations on achieving all your goals. You make us readers proud. I still haven't gotten over the lack of Dawson's Creek in my life. I had to resort to folding laundry when it comes out of the drier. Gasp! It's not nearly as dramatic of a place as Capeside though.

allyn said...

i think you are the only person i know who has achieved all her vague new years resolutions. i am proud to know you.
hilarious that chloe has a belle dress on over the pj's.

i am also off to make some vague goals to achieve in the coming year. you have inspired me. number one: go to bed earlier! is that vague enough. am i doing this righ?

Heather McKeon said...

I'm keeping it easy this year- my new year's resolution is "no more resolutions". Then I can feel a great sense of accomplishment next December for accomplishing anything. The end.

Heather McKeon said...

p.s. HIMYM and Big Bang Theory are the best - great laundry folding show selections!

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Nice! I was going to do this as well. (but you are better at getting to it first)
Its always fun to go back over your goals and see what you did.........or didn't do.

P.S. WHY are you folding your clothes?!!! Make your kids do it and then just "watch" them. :)
(there is a reason I am not going to make it to heaven as the best mom that ever lived.)

kenzie said...

You make me laugh so much. I love that your kids are pining for the loss of Wal-Mart in their lives. Also, never fold laundry; my favorite lesson from my mother.

melissa said...

You and Andrea intrigue me. Are you telling me you don't fold your laundry? I don't get it. My husband could fold his, but not my kids. Also, did you hear the part about how Jeff is the one who actually CLEANS the laundry? Our arrangement is that he cleans it and I fold it. I'm afraid of messing with the system.

Anonymous said...

My new years resolution is to stop blogstalking and comment more on the blogs I love, yours included! (Found you bc I'm friends with Jesica Bush in CH btw)

I tried reading a book last week while I folded laundry. Doesn't work. TV is the way to go.

melissa said...

Good for you, jewelry lady! Blog stalkers are creepy.