Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Madness

Harrison recently lost another tooth.  We went to the Dollar Tree so he could buy himself a little something with his tooth fairy money.  He stood looking at the toy aisle for a few minutes and then said, "Hmm.  It's between the whoopie cushion and the air horn."  I told him he couldn't have an air horn and he insisted it would be super handy because then I could use it to wake him up.  Dude wakes up an hour before I do every day.  Lawyered!  He chose the whoopie cushion. 

I had to make a new rule in our house that no one is allowed to be ridiculous.  Not, like, silly ridiculous.  Like, slamming doors because you haven't figured out how to unlock Bowser Junior on Mariokart or eating your weight in raisins ridiculous.  (My friend Kristi said the one rule they had at their house growing up was "Don't be weird."  Apparently that covers a lot.)  On Saturday Chloe decided to spend her morning dance class crying about nothing and wasting class time.  When we got home I made her sit in the naughty chair.  When her time was up, I asked "Why are you sitting in the naughty chair?"  She said, "Because I was being ridiculous?"  So. . . we're all on the same page, then?

Miles spends his days swordfighting and asking for snacks.  He recently started saying "Ready!" and I've discovered that I say that word a lot.  Like, a lot a lot.  He's getting better at communicating and I'm getting better at reading his mind. 

Last week we finished The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis.  There was a lot of sailing lingo that went over their heads, but there was also a lot of magic so the kids loved it.  You know what's great about ships?  The poop deck.  What's really fun is that this book just referred to it as "The Poop" over and over again.  It was always hilarious.  (No really.  It was!)  We went to the cheap theater in town and saw the movie on the big screen, which was a real treat for them.  This film wasn't quite as faithful to the book as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but it was still great.  Our collective one complaint is that the word "poop" was not uttered once during the whole movie.  Boooooo.

12 Wisecracks:

KQ said...

Your kids have no hope in not breaking the "ridiculous" rule, because they are ridiculously funny! No hope, I tell ya.

Lyla used to say "Ok" a lot a lot, until I figured out that I said it a lot a lot. Copycats... :)

Catherine said...

Seriously that pictures of Chloe is GORGEOUS!

Mom said...

This is what happens when you take a seven yr. old to the gross body museum!
I need this picture of Miles for my grandma wall.:)

Heather McKeon said...

Too bad you didn't let him get the air horn, cause then he could have become the catch phrase comedian Air Horn. Although that might have broken your rule about being ridiculous...?

Too bad they never mention poop. I agree that poop is always hilarious.

melissa said...

Ah, man! He totally could have been the air horn catchphrase comedian! That was hilarious. My super fave was when Zack interviewed kids to be his assistant.

melissa said...

Mom, how's about I find you a cute picture of Miles that doesn't include a dog's backside in the background? (Fine for the blog, but not for the grandparent wall, says I.)

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

I love the "getting better at reading his mind" part. ha ha! so true!!
Harrison is now a true vampire. so cute! My kids would high five him for the gift he chose. Oh boy! Just make sure you watch where you sit from now on..... ;)

martinizing said...

Miles looks so handsome in that picture. Whoopie Cushions are totally awesome, so i hope he's satisfied.

allyn said...

you are being so amazing at keeping current pictures of your kids. they change so much from month to month, and i mostly don't document.
i love your house rule. mind if i steal it?

Meredith said...

I am SO glad you blog. I can always count on a good laugh. Thanks to you and your cute kids!

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

No 'poop'? THAT is ridiculous! You do inspire me to be better at picture taking...think if I had a nice camera it would help?

Linzi Lou, Samantha Boo, Madi Moo, and Chris too said...

Missing teeth+woopie cushion= picture perfect, not ridiculous as some might say....