Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks . . ."

My mom says I should blog more.  She's not the boss of me, but she could be right.  We're not super exciting right now, so there's not much to say.  Jeff came home from our vacation resolved to get in shape.  So he did it.  Well done, him!

I don't know how much weight he's lost, so far, but he is in grave danger of disappearing entirely.  Miles continues to be fat and happy.  I get to spend my afternoons alone with him and he's kind of nuts.  He brushes his teeth at least ten times a day.  What's that about?

7 Wisecracks:

KQ said...

Good job Jeff! I'm sure because of the age of your children you already know this, but I'm learning it more and more each day-- kids are weird dude! WEIRD!! And it's not just a few of them. They all do stuff that is WEIRD!

Mom said...

Thanks for obeying your mother.:) Such handsome guys!

Nicole said...

Kids are weird.

What is Jeff's new diet/exercise program? That was not enough information. I'll just check his "blog" - nevermind.

melissa said...

He's been running and working out and eating well. You're right, though, you should just check his "blog." I think he's been chronicling the whole thing. I don't know for sure, though, because I still haven't found his blog.

Emily said...

That is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies.

allyn said...

okay, so i wasn't just dreaming. i noticed that he looked a bit fitter, but didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
good job, jeff (can you forward this to his blog)!

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

You guys are so funny! Someone should really create a blog for Jeff. That would be hilarious!