Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Me and My Buddy in the Pumpkin Patch

Chloe had her first field trip last Friday.  All of the kindergartners went with their fifth grade buddies to Rombach's Pumpkin Patch.  Miles and I went as chaperones.  (Well, I went as a chaperone.  Miles went as a poopy pants.)  All of the kids wore t-shirts with their school name and their own full name.  That is information that I have worked hard to keep off of our blog, so I had to make some adjustments to the photos.

Chloe spends 78% of her time asking me to take a picture of her.  On the field trip, however, she had an "Oh my goodness I'm so embarrassed my mom is taking my picture" look the whole time. 

Each kindergartner worked with their buddy to fill out a worksheet about pumpkins.  Here Chloe and her buddy, Riley, are counting the number of sections in that pumpkin.

The kids had to measure themselves in pumpkins.  Chloe is 4.5 pumpkins tall.

Miles invented a new game.  It's called "Stem Toss."

At the end, they all got to pick a pumpkin from the $4 pile.  She found it.  The perfect pumpkin.

Miles chose a pumpkin, too.  His was from the $50 pile.

This is Chloe's BFF and neighbor, Natalie.  They are in different classes and were so excited to find each other in the pumpkin patch.  Natalie said, "Let's hold them like babies."  Her mommy had given birth the day before.  So sweet.

Miles insisted he wasn't going home without a $50 pumpkin.  In your dreams, poopy pants.

I'm so glad I could join Chloe on her first field trip.  Even though I was so embarrassing.

7 Wisecracks:

allyn said...

i know i say this all the time, but you and chloe make the prettiest pictures. i guess i don't say those exact words, but i feel like i am gushing on your photos often.
hilarious t-shirt covers. i'm gonna have to ask chloe to yodel for me next time i see her.
so, all the sudden st. louis is charging for something?

wendy holt said...

Way to NOT pay $50 for a pumpkin!! If would always take Bradley and on the way home stop at Aldi for the $2 pumpkin, sorry, farmers. Your voting yodeler is adoooorable as always. Glad Miles is a poopy pants, he must have gotten it from Alison, although she is mostly a crybaby now.

kenzie said...

I love that last picture! So pretty:)

elizabeth said...

So fun! Our pumpkin patch is called Rohrbachs. Strangely similar. Our school system cut field trips due to budget restraints. Lame! Glad some kids still have field trips!!

melissa said...

Wendy, I totally went straight to Aldi and bought another $2 pumpkin before they ran out. (I already had two at home.) Pumpkin patches are cute, but such a rip off. Their teeny tiny pumpkins were $2. Pa-leez.

The Reiersens said...

I really need a yodeling shirt now!

Nicole said...

Something about a pumpkin patch makes ya want to poop your pants and spend money. I totally get that.

You and Chloe are the cutest!