Monday, April 23, 2012

"It's not too cold and not too hot and all you need is a light jacket."

This time of year is kind of crazy.  It's hard to tell if it's warm weather or cold weather.  Do you wear shorts or pants?  Rain boots or flip-flops?  Decisions.  Decisions.

6 Wisecracks:

Kimberly said...

Miss Congeniality! That movie is awesome!

I always get the clothing wrong right now when I send my kids to school. Today it was cold. I wasn't expecting that........

Nicole said...

I sent Bridget out with a jacket this morning and she was PUT OUT that it was too hot for a jacket. Missed again.

allyn said...

I keep trying to switch out the kids' clothes in their drawers, but the season won't decide which season it wants to be. Shorts and a sweatshirt it is!

wendy holt said...

We had snow two weeks ago...and ran through the sprinkler two days ago. Where do I live?????

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

I totally agree!! Never know what to have the kids wear.

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

I just noticed that upstairs I have the heat on... Down stairs, I have the a/c on....
Neither are actually running right now, but CRAZY weather. Can't wait til it's steady, my laundry is busting!