Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Third Time's the Charm

Last week my friend Kim and her daughters, Catherine and Miriam, came for a visit from NC.  This is the third time they've made the trip out here.  On your third trip, you get a free slushee!

After the girls put on a play about dragons and princesses and Miriam made me a trap to catch leprechauns, we headed to the park to run through the sprinklers and wear everyone out.

You stay classy, Miles.
The next day I struggled to think of something to do.  Kim and the girls have seen a lot of St. Louis already.  Then I remembered that the twins are crazy smart and they like dinosaurs.  Smart kids go to the Science Center.
The blurry figures at the top are a t-rex and his latest kill.  The blurry figures at the bottom are Miriam and Catherine roaring back at the mechanical dinosaurs.  Their fearlessness surprised me because Chloe has been afraid of those dinos her whole life.  They're pretty lifelike. 
We brought the crew in for some excavation.  The twins were disappointed to learn that you don't get to take the dinosaur bones home, nor do you get a prize for digging them up.  What's the point of all this?!
We were there just in time to see a mad scientist do some cryogenic experiments. 
Brothers love science.
That night Kim treated us to dinner at our favorite pizza place. 
The kids had fun watching the pizza guys toss the dough.  I LOVE Dewey's pizza crust.  I'd kill a man for that recipe.  Okay, maybe not a man, but definitely a cat.
I can't believe how grown up these kids are.  Chloe is very tall for her age, so I can only imagine how often Kim hears, "They're only SEVEN?"  I have a feeling next time we see them, they'll be taller than me.  [Miles is going through a finger guns phase.  I need to get some holsters for those suckers.] 
Thanks for making the trip out here and giving us a chance to catch up, friends!  On your fourth visit you get a free 6" sub!  (Just saying.) 

3 Wisecracks:

Nicole said...

You're a good host, Charlie Brown. Once again I'm reminded that the two times we passed through St Louis you weren't home to show us around. Booo. Miles holding Harrison's arm while they enjoyed science is my favorite.

Patti said...

The energy was palpable! So much fun! And I'd let you kill a cat for the Dewey's crust recipe. It's that good.

Jen said...

I totally thought that scientist was Dad! Just me?